Chapter 12

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Naruto Uzumaki was not exactly averse to being sneaky; it was more like he was allergic to it. He understood the need to be 'stealthy' and practised those skills often whilst on missions. But sneaky and stealthy were not the same thing. Sneaky implied something underhanded and fundamentally wrong and it just didn't quite sit with his ninja way.

However there were times when it was a necessity and this was one of those times.

Iruka had been acting strangely, far too strangely. To be fair the brunette was a pretty strange guy full stop, his nature and profession seemingly at odds with one another. But somehow he made them work together and provided for those less fortunate than him, his compassion made him strong and drew those around him to him, whether the man liked it or wanted it. Masking his chakra Naruto snuck around the familiar apartment block with stealth Kakashi-sensei would have been proud of. The blond knew he couldn't afford to get caught; he couldn't risk setting off his mentors temper again if he wanted to get to the bottom of the man's problems. The sensei may try and hide them from the world at large, but Naruto knew they were there and that they were tearing the other man up inside.

And it hurt, it hurt him more than any physical blow ever had, to know that he was not trusted enough to be privy to them.

As he approached Iruka's door the blond felt the small tingle of chakra brush against him before the wards dropped. He had been keyed into the system a long time ago and Naruto had never been more grateful for that than at this very moment. Hesitantly, he opened the door and stepped inside, allowing the door to swing shut behind him. The dull 'thunk' of wood knocking against wood echoed ominously through the silent apartment and the small blossom of worry bloomed in Naruto's chest.

"Naruto get your backside in here this second."

Okay maybe not so silent.

The blond frowned at voice, it was familiar but it certainly wasn't the voice he was expecting to hear. It took a few minutes but he finally managed to place the small rough voice and when he did his eyebrows shot up in surprise.


"No, it's the Queen of Sheba... Of course it's me kiddo!" The gruff voice replied, clearly exasperated.

"What on earth are you doing here?"

"I'm doing a favor for the boss."

"Kakashi-sensei? What the hell is going on?"

"I'll explain what I know later but can you get in here and help me please."

Still looking somewhat confused as to the summons presence Naruto moved hesitantly toward the small voice and was shocked to find it coming from behind the closed bathroom door. He knocked tentatively on the wooden door, his stomach churning with unease and a small amount of fear.

"Naruto for Kami's sake stop stalling and get in here!" Pakkun sounded desperate.

Needing no further invitation the blond pushed open the door and walked into the bathroom, but nothing had prepared him for the sight he was met with. Naruto froze, his heart leaping into his throat and his stomach plummeting through the floor. On the floor of the cubicle lay Iruka unconscious and shivering under the still pounding spray of the shower, his normal tanned skin was pale and tinged with blue and the long chocolate coloured hair was mattered in clumps. Pakkun had afforded the man some modesty by pulling a large bath towel over his lap but did little to conceal anything other than the brunette's nudity. The blond gazed at his mentor with undisguised horror as the reality hit home and grief welled up in his chest.

"Kiddo! Quit gaping and give me a hand."

Naruto snapped back to reality and looked down at the little pug that was drenched from head to toe. In an instant he had the shower switched off and was at the older brunette's side. Pakkun watched worriedly as the blond gently stroked some of the damp, knotted hair out of the teachers face before lifting the man bridal style and carried him into the bedroom.

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