Chapter 14

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When Kakashi opened his eyes he was greeted with a familiar looking ceiling. Resisting the urge to groan he turned on his side and buried his head in the sterile pillow, cursing just about every deity for once again landing him in the hospital. His head felt groggy from the sedative the hunter-nin had hit him with, and the Jounin cursed himself for forgetting about the second ninja in the clearing. He should have been paying more attention to his surroundings and not worrying so much about Iruka.

Every nerve ending instantly fired to attention.

Iruka, where was Iruka?

He sat up in the uncomfortable bed the crisp, clean sheets tangled around his flailing limbs and eyes darting wildly around the room. Kakashi felt panic flare in his chest when he realised he was alone and he clambered out of the cot, almost falling as the sheets caught around his feet. He ran bare foot to the rooms door, flung open the entrance and was instantly met with a masked face.

"Where do you think you are going Hatake-san?"

The silver haired man growled at the hunter. "Out."

The white porcelain mask cocked to one side in a condescending manner. "Really? Somehow I don't think so Hatake. The Hokage has ordered you to stay here until she comes to deal with you."

Kakashi felt his stomach twist but he maintained his steely glare, the hunter seemed completely unperturbed and just turned back around. The copy-nin slammed the door in frustration, the noise echoing through the hospital like a crack of thunder. He stalked back over to the bed and threw himself down like a petulant teenager, why had everything gone so wrong? He had tried to help but it appeared to everything he did made it worse.

Kakashi was truly at his wits end.

He tossed and turned on the bed as he tried to push the worrying thoughts rather unsuccessfully from his mind. But the horrifying image of Iruka's eyes dimming and then sliding shut invaded every recess of his brain and it made him feel nauseated. His self recrimination was interrupted as he heard voices talking outside of his makeshift cell door. Kakashi couldn't quite make out what was being said, but he could hear the hunters voice radiating annoyance. After a few minutes the silver haired man felt the hunter's chakra signature move away and two somewhat familiar ones take residence outside the door.

The Jounin stared blankly at the entryway and was somewhat shocked when a tentative knock echoed through the room.

"Come in?" He replied confused, eying the door with the utmost suspicion.

The door opened admitting two familiar faces, both of which were contorted with worry. Kakashi's eyebrow shot up, of all the people it could have been these two were the last two he was expecting.

"Hagane-san, Kamizuki-san. What brings you here?"

Izumo and Kotetsu looked at one another before stepping in and closing the door behind them.

"We were wondering if we could talk to you Hatake-sama." Izumo answered, his dark eyes not leaving the copy-nins.

Beside him the spiky haired Chunnin shifted nervously "It's about Iruka."

Kakashi's attention instantly perked up "What about him?"

"We want to know what is going on."

The silver haired man sighed and shook his head, he knew that these two were close to Iruka but could he trust them? The two nin in question just waited for an answer and silence reigned throughout the room.

"Hatake-sama please. He's our friend, our comrade, we have a right to know what is going on and we know you have something to do with it."

Kakashi couldn't meet their questioning gaze. "I don't know what you expect from me."

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