Her Waves

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It was too loud. Way too loud. My head was pounding. Too loud.

I put my hands against my ears and pressed hard. I could hear the agonizing screams. I wish I could stop this. But it was time. It was too late to stop Father.

I sniffled and looked around, searching for someone—anyone-who could use my help. I was Father’s daughter after all.

I floated around the sky, the cool breeze blowing my copper curls away from my face.

Another scream pierced the air. My head snapped to the direction of the sound. This one was different. It carried emotions so deep, I wanted to curl up and sob. Sadness. Fear. Desperation. Fear. Worry. Fear. Anger.

My lower lip trembled and I lowered myself under the heavens and into the atmosphere. Everything looked red and orange and black. People ran around. Claps of thunder rang throughout the world. Lightning destroyed homes and zapped people. Leaving them in excruciating pain, never ending it, never killing them. It was all Father’s work. I was livid at him. I knew his reasons, but did it really have to be like this? So much destruction, so much fear. Just for a new beginning?

I searched around the place, trying to sense the same emotions I had just felt. My eyes locked onto a pale girl with straight dirty blond hair. She was screaming someone’s name.

“Aiden! Aiden! Where are you?” she sobbed, frantically running around a building that was burned to ashes. Of course, by a lightning bolt from Father.

Her waves trampled over each other as they made their way toward me. All the same emotions as before. Desperation. Fear. Sadness. Anger. But there was one that was making its way above the rest. It was so deep and shattered my heart. It was newborn but it was quickly settling into her heart.


She dropped to the ground on her knees her shoulders shaking like earthquakes. “Aiden.”

A scream ripped through the air, louder and filled with more emotions than any other. The girl looked up and spotted me. I noticed it wasn’t her who was screaming.

It was me.

I swiftly turned around and raced above the clouds and into the heavens, giving the girl one last glance. She was looking at me with pure awe. That look urged me further to do what I was about to do.

Stop Father. Stop the greatest god from destroying the world. Stop Zeus.

Give these humans a little more time. I didn’t care if it was too late. I still had to stop him until it ended completely.

I burst into Father’s throne room and ran to him.

“Stop this! I beg you, Father, stop! Just give them a little more time! Please!”He sighed. I could see the exhaustion on his face.

“Fine. For you.”

And with a flick of his wrist it stopped. The ringing, the screams, the thunder, the lightning. It ended. Just for a little while. A few hundred human years and it would start again.

But until then, they were safe. Aiden and that girl would be safe.

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