The Mansion

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   The old rusty gates opened and closed as a chilly wind blew across the garden. Leaves spread across the dried up yellow grass along with the wind. The surroundings were getting darker as the sun drifted  behind the black mountains. The shadows of the trees danced around and their mysterious whispers warned:


   Alone, built a desolate mansion in the middle of the enigmatic garden. Its antique walls were as dark as coal, its shattered windows reflected the shimmering light of the setting sun and in the place where the door was supposed to be, there was a cavernous mouth. Cobwebs dangled from roof and roaches scurried along the balcony. Though not even a single soul inhabited in this part of the country, there was a dark presence hovering about. The silence gobbled up every sound but there was something odd about this place-- something sinister. The sunset made the scenery more eerie. Neither animals nor people seemed to abide in this mere house.

   Suddenly there was an ear piercing scream. Whoever was doing this sounded as if the person was in excruciating pain. The scream was so loud, it penetrated the silence and blanketed all of the other sounds. After a while, it slowly died out letting the silence to replace the blood curdling scream. Everything went back to normal-- bats flew past the house, making weird noises as they did so, a lonely owl sat on a misshapen tree and a dog howled indistinctly from a distance.

   Menacing rainclouds darkened the sky and the ivory moon slowly vanished from our sight. Thunder roared as if the gods of the heaven cried out in extreme rage. With a flash of lightning, streams of rain started to pour heavily from the gloomy sky, drumming the demolished house mercilessly. The wind howled like a wild animal unleashed. Not a single soul know what was present in that eerie mansion.

    Until now........

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