Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Mahrukh Imam

   I could not see anything at first, and then I could make out a figure appearing in front of the car. It was a marble sculpture of an elegant lady dressed in silky robes. I was awed by how detailed the sculptors made her somber eyes look so realistic. She stood still, robes draped over her head.  Astonished by her familiarity, I gawked at the statue.

   However, I lost my interest in the statue when I noticed a castle-like building emerging from the blurriness of the rainfall. The more we got closer the more the structure grew larger and towered over us.

   The mansion was colossal —like a king’s castle—and it had like five stories. Neither the paint nor the modern day style reconstruction could hide the fact that the house had been built centuries ago. This mere house seemed like it held a great reputation for dark legends. Gargoyles on either side of the damp roof stared down at me with their evil eyes. One of the bleak walls was engulfed by vines and moss which crawled up even to the roof. The huge stairs led up to a gigantic entrance which looked like a cavernous mouth. The eye-like windows gave me an impression that they were glaring resentfully down at me. I became aware of a shadow flickering near a small dusty window in the attic. Someone was watching us.

   As soon as my eyes lay upon the mansion, I went into a total frenzy. I gasped for more air like the whole world . My heart beat viciously against my chest and my body was pinioned at the spot. Weirdly, my mind became clouded with unexplainable terror. I felt the car lurched for a halt as my body swayed forwards. Dad peered at my frightened demeanor and his face showed great distress.

   “Genessa?” he called my name frantically. His face turned white as he repeated my name.

   I did not respond to any of his calls because I could no longer feel anything. I came to a state where I couldn’t control my own body. Every word that came out of his mouth was just a buzz for me. I rocked back and forth as my fingers went numb. I was shivering uncontrollably—not because of the cold—but because of the bizarre energy I was feeling.

   “Genessa? Genessa?”  His voice boomed in my ears.

   Just like a burden had been lifted, everything became clear again and soon I was breathing normally.

   I stared at my father. His face was pallid and I thought I imagined traces of tears in his blue eyes.

   “Are you okay?” he asked me, worriedly.

   Do I look okay? I look like a freaking madman… er …madwoman. Didn’t you see me hyperventilating like crazy?

   “Yeah,” I lied and to my embarrassment my voice cracked.

   “I could get you to the hospital,” he said, trying to calm his voice.

   “There’s no need for that. I’m fine, dad,”

   “Honey, I really think you should go since you have mental problems…” he said and his face immediately showed that he regretted saying those words.

   My cheeks blushed with shame and something burned inside me.

   Oh great, I thought, even my dad knows about it.

   I felt so mortified that- without thinking- I opened the door and stomped outside without any umbrella or a cover. The moment I stepped outside the car, drops of rain hit my head and soon I was drenched to the skin. The smooth cobbled path beneath my feet was slippery, so I moseyed cautiously towards what seemed to be a magnet pulling me in. The sound of the rain crashing down not only made me feel calm but it also drowned all the voices around me especially the frantic cries of my father. Each breath I took made me feel like my lungs were about to burst open. The wet and musty smell of the antique mansion entered my nostrils, making me sneeze. My legs became heavier as I dragged them along the path.

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