(7) Little Bit I

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Watching after the teenagers in my cluster was difficult. They were like the crazy white people in horror movies that just accept there is a murderer in the attic. Instead of running, they hide among the killer, hoping they won't be the next one picked from them all.

I thought it would be easy to care for those my own age. We could relate and bond and shit.

But these motherfuckers is crazy. Andrea keeps telling me about how gay she thinks I am, Merari's hugs are too extra, Kourtney keeps sneaking up behind me and pretending to butt rape me, Cherish does nothing but hit me and threaten to bite me. As if. Marissa goes around calling herself Satan, which is gonna get her sent to Hell. I should know.

I followed the pleas of the ghost not far. Only the blessed can hear, and therefore find, the dead among the living. It was easy. They were most likely trying to find me too.

I turned left onto the next street. Unlike the rest of the neighborhood, this block was wide and had only 4 houses. The relative bad force of the street was a little off balance, but not enough for concern, so I stayed focused on my task. The sun was rising anyway.

My job was to find these dead people, absolve their sins, and get them to Heaven.

Had to get a move on, no time to waste.



Two weeks had passed since Kieran decided to wake up with freaky eyes and scare the shit out of us all.

Derek was mad at me because his brother was basically killing himself, and Cherish was mad at both of us for allowing our relationship to be so toxic.

I'd told him three times already that he didn't have to starve to make me happy. He still chose to do this. What could I do?

I didn't tell anyone about William stalking the house for a couple nights or his teleporting, even though I probably should have. I just got in my car Tuesday morning and drove away. It wasn't my plan to spend that many nights there anyway.

Since then, I spent the weekend with Kieran, trying to figure out what he meant by "We fucked up."

Who was "we" for one? I had just sorta admitted to being his girlfriend. "We" is very fragile. And how had we "fucked up"? What did we do, and how do we fix it? He couldn't remember a thing from his initial collapsing.

Marissa thought it would be best if we brought the issue to school. You know, so everyone could have a say.

The lunch table wasn't extra squished with Kieran and Kourtney's new guy Tony here. Andrea had fallen off the face of the earth all of a sudden.

"I think you guys just need to cuddle more," Kourtney said while spitting sunflower seeds into an empty tray of food.

"Or do something more," Merari suggested. "Am I right?" Cherish gave her a smile, but the constant sex innuendos were getting old, coming from Merari. It was weird.


They were missing the point anyway. We were cuddling. We cuddled all the time. We cuddled and made out and cuddled and made out and cuddled more. I even gave him my blood every once in a while. Our relationship was great. Right?

"I can definitely say this whole not drinking enough blood to make the girlfriend happy thing might be stupid," William said. Says the guy who thought Michael Jordan did the Goldbond Lotion commercials.

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