11 . A new addition

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Rob's POV
"I'm pregnant"
What did Kristen just say ?!? ....
I stared at the wall across the room , my eyes wide open
" Rob ... Please say something" Kristen whispered , her voice cracking up , on the verge of tears
I turned my head to meet her eyes
"How ... Did this happen ?" I asked my voice emotionless
" remember awhile ago when we ... Yeah , and I told you I was on birth control ... Suzie said it doesn't always work ..." Kristen let out a shaky breath , her eyes were watering up
I looked down at her stomach and put my hands on her belly then looked back up to Kristen , not moving my hands
" you sure your pregnant ... Because if your not then that would be a shame " Kristen eyes lit up , a smile spread across her face , tears now falling from her eyes in happiness . I pulled her into a hug
"God thank you Rob I love you , I don't what I would have done if you'd said no ..." Kristen sniffed , her tears now drying
" I would never have said no , I've wanted you to be the mother of my child since I first started dating you ... That's because I know you are going to be a amazing mother !" I exclaimed
"Really ? ... I mean kids scare the crap out of me " Kristen chuckled
"Yes , and this baby " I said putting my hands back on Kristen's stomach " is going to have an amazing life with you as its mother " I leant down and pulled Kristen's t shirt up , leaving a small kiss just above her naval
" hello little ... Tyke " I was completely unsure of what to call the him or her in side of Kristen , Kristen laughed at my nickname " your gonna be inside mummy for a while huh?" Kristen sighed , I guessed she thought it was cute of me to talk to the tyke in her stomach
" Rob , what are we going to tell your parents " Kristen blurted out .... Shit I forgot about that
" oh. , don't worry about that for now ... Let's get some sleep and we'll think about all of this in the morning "
I said laying back down next to Kristen
I turned the lamp off and spooned Kristen and put a hand on her stomach
" good night baby " I said before kissing the back I Kristen's neck "and you little tyke " Kristen's muffled laughter filled the bed room before I drifted of to sleep ...

I woke up in the same position as the night before only Kristen was snuggled into my chest
I looked down at her stomach remembering last night , Kristen's pregnant with my baby ... It's a dream come true , I've always wanted my own family .
I felt Kristen stir and then I saw her open one eye
" good morning bubs " Kristen said , her voice raspy
" hello baby , and baby " I said pointing at Kristen's stomach , she smiled
I heard some steps going down the stairs meaning someone's up , we have to tell my parents about Kristen's pregnancy today
" hey love , I though we could tell my parents about the pregnancy this morning over breakfast " Kristen nodded at my option , I then stood up and put on my jeans and a new black t-shirt . While Kristen got dressed herself , I checked my watch
9am ... Breakfasts at 9:15
Kristen and I walked down stairs after she gotten dressed and went into the dining room to meet my parents
My mother and father sat at the table opposite each other
" good morning , mum " I walked over to my mum and gave her a hug I gave my dad a nod
"Morning Clare and Richard " Kristen said sitting at the end of the table
There was a fry up in the middle of the table for us to pick off
" I would like to apologise for my behaviour last night " my father explained
" that's fine dad , we have something we need to tell you guys ..." I began , everyone looked up at me from there food
Kristen smiled at me and put her hand on my thigh , reassuring me
" kristen and I are having a baby " my mother instantly squealed and shot up from her chair clapping
" yay I'm going to me a grandmother !" Clare shouted
My father smiled unexpectedly , my mother hugged Kristen and asked if she knew how far along she was
" I don't know yet , I have to go to the doctors and find out " Kristen said
" ok I'll set you up an appointment , I'm amazed I can't believe I'm going to be a grandmother !" Clare sat back down
We continued to eat our breakfast and once we finished me and Kristen went back up stairs , we were extremely tired
We flopped down on the bed and sat for a minute
" have you thought of any baby names?" I asked Kristen
"Yeah I actually have" I listened closely for her name choices " if it's a girl , Willow Iris Pattinson and if it's a boy , Oscar Lee Pattinson " I was amazed at how inventive and unique these names were
" I love them , they're beautiful"
" are you sure? " Kristen questioned
" yes love , there unique and creative and Willow ... God that's a perfect name for a girl " I was genuinely impressed by how great these names were
Kristen leaned over to the bed side table and pulled open the draw , she picked out a Polaroid camera
" you up for some modelling Pattinson ?" Kristen asked with a cheeky grin , I smiled and nodded
Rolled over and Kristen perched beside the bed and positioned the Camera
' click'
The photo rolled out of the camera

 God that's a perfect name for a girl " I was genuinely impressed by how great these names were Kristen leaned over to the bed side table and pulled open the draw , she picked out a Polaroid camera " you up for some modelling Pattinson ?" Kristen ...

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Kristen picked up the photo and waved it around , she smiled at the photo and showed it to me
I swear her photography skills are getting better , I put the photo on the desk Kristen sleeps next to
" if you ever feel lonely or miss me when we're apart , you keep this photo with you ... Ok ? " Kristen smiled and nodded
She lay back down on my chest
" Rob what if every thing doesn't work out ?" Kristen asked staring up to the ceiling
" what with us or the baby ?" I was confused
" us "
" Kris , it's gonna be a rough road , but we've made it this far why stop here ?"
" yeah your right , I'm tired bubs I'm gonna have a nap " I nodded and Kristen crawled under the duvet
" sleep well love " Kristen sighed and her face drooped and finally fell to sleep
I love her so much , shes like a drug that I'm addicted to ...
Yay ! New chapter ! What did you think ?
- Em

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