23 . She

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Rob's POV

The first thing I heard as I walked into the house was cries from the front room ...
It was like one of those cliché movie scenes were everything turns into this intense slow-motion cut scene .
Dropping the shopping bags I ran into the front room and saw Kristen on the floor with sweat dripping from every inch of her skin .
" Kristen , shhh , calm down I'm gonna pick you and take you in the car to the hospital ok ? "
She nodded , I picked her up bridal style and ran to grab the bag we prepared for the hospital and went to the car ....

Listening to Kristen in the back of the car was agony . My life had just turned into a movie .

I turned the corner into the hospital parking bay , and ran to pick Kristen out the back of the car .
" go-d Rob ! This hurts so fucking much ! " Kristen scrunched up her face
" I know babe , just think a little boy or girl is gonna born into this world soon ." She let out a small smile .
Thank god there was no Paparazzi otherwise Kristen's panic attack would be having a panic attack

I speed walked to the desk while a nurse came around the corner with a wheel chair .
I put her in the chair , but before placing a quick kiss oh her forehead .
" I love you Kris , I'm gonna sign you in and I'll be up as soon as I can "
Before knew it I was watching the love of my life be wheeled away to give birth to our child .

Our child . Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson's child . God I can imagine the headlines ...
No time for day-dreaming ! Come on Rob
I quickly signed the papers and asking what room room Kristen was in before I ran down the corridor to the room 251 .
I walked in to see Kristen in the bed with The heart rate monitor going quicker than ever .
I doctor came in a slid past me in the door way . I followed after him .
Sitting in the chair next to her , I watched her chest rise and fall as her breathing slowed .

" hello Kristen , I'm doctor Carter . Now looking at you test results , your baby is actually upside down so we're going to have to preform a C-section . " she nodded
I for one was shocked . Is this a bad thing ?
" is this a bad thing ?" I asked
" no , it's just dangerous . Kristen can't have a natural birth because the babies legs are in place of were the head should be ." I nodded
The next thing I knew I was being told to follow the nurses who were wheeling Kristen's bed to the operating room . I cared for Kristen , more than anything in this world and if anything happens to Kristen then I promise to look after this child better than myself .

It felt as if in one blink of an the eye the surgery was done and a sweet , symphony of cries from Kristen and the baby were conjoined .
" it's a girl !" A nurse squealed .

A girl . Sweet little Willow Iris Pattinson . My girl .

A couple hours later Kristen and I are sitting staring at our child's perfect features .
Then she opens her eyes and has the most perfect green eyes of Kristen's with a ring of grey / blue could of my eyes around the edge . We both gasp at the same time .
" she really is something . Our eyes , your hair , my lips , your face shape . I hope she gets your teeth , she doesn't deserve bunny rabbit teeth. " I observe every word she just said and cherished them .
" Kristen your beautiful if she gets your teeth that's fine . I love you "  I promise her
" I love you too " she replies . I give her a short tender kiss "and I love you too little Willow" I chuckle at Kristen's baby talk .

The Pattinson's . The last thing I have to do is propose and we become the Pattinson's .
God I can't wait .

Woah ! I'm impressed with myself I have been waiting so long to do this chapter !
Hope you enjoyed it as much I loved writing it !

- Maria

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