With half our forces pulled back we prepared for the final assault. We will end Mars today. Our plan is simple, break there first line of defense and storm there capital. We know there won't be any deserters bescause there is not were to run. The end begins today. We launch the assault. The battle is simple it is too easy to break through the first line. Soon we will find out why.
The plan was genius. Let the Zetans break through our first line. Then in close them inside of a tight circle. Putting pressure on all sides. Then maybe just maybe we could buy enough time for the enguniers to get the RECKONING. It had enough space to get us off this rock. The problem was that we had to hold our ground for 3 days. On the brighter side we had reicived news that Earth was preparing for an invasion. Now is the time we exicute the plan. The Zetans had no clue we were going to do this. They were went into complete disaster. We inflicted a great number of casualties on them. From all around. Things were looking up for us.
We were not prepared for what happened when we passed by the cliffs. Before we knew it the humans had surrounded us. They were pushing us from all sides. Inflicting a great number of casualties on us. Finally we figured out what was happening. By this time they had already dug in. We prepared for a long long night.

Attack On Mars
Science FictionThis is the sequence to my other book. Please enjoy. Find out what happens to Mars in this awesome book. If you guys like the series please tell me so I know if I need to write another book. Thanks enjoy!