I open my eyes to a blinding light. I tried to speak but nothing came out. I reached for my leg. Nothing was there. Then a doctor walked in. Following him was three men carrying a robotic leg. I looked out the door and saw at least 12 soildiers. All guarding my door. The men attach the leg to the stump of my leg. They said try to stand up. I stood up. I had 2 robotic legs. They said walk around. So I did. Never had it been so easy to move before. Now I was eccorted back to a ship. Then taken to a rehab center.
The man walked to the General and said," General Ethan has riecieved the same treatment you did." The General said,"Good." Then the attack began. General Preston leading the charge. We are going to crush them. We hit there walls suddenly. Then we flooded the base. The humans put up a fair fight. Inflicting a fair amount of casualties. They pulled back.

Attack On Mars
Science-FictionThis is the sequence to my other book. Please enjoy. Find out what happens to Mars in this awesome book. If you guys like the series please tell me so I know if I need to write another book. Thanks enjoy!