General Darren arrived. He reinforced our orbital fleet and his flag ship was heading to the planet. When it entered it was ambushed by 4 human ships. Darren's flag ship destroyed 3 of them but then a planet to space gun hit his ship. It broke in half. The bridge was nocked off. Then after 4 hours General Darren woke up. Only to find a dead soldier. He picked up his weapon. Then he heard voices.
He aimed the laser rifle at the door. Then a human soldier appeared. He shot his head and the soldier slumped forward. Then three more appeared. He shot two and stabbed the other. Then a soldier shot him in the shoulder. He screamed in agony. Then turned around and downed the other. Then he saw a bunch of soldiers coming toward the ship. So he set the ship to blow up. Then he killed 14 more humans before getting shot by a sniper and killed.
We got there to late. We found General Darren laying with 47 dead human soldiers around him. We loaded his body to be taken for burial at Zeta. When General Ethan arrived he was deeply sad. He has been friends with General Darren since they were boys. We found a camera file and looked at how he died. We all agreed he died a hero. Those 4 ships were heading for our fortress. They would have easily wiped us out. He reiceved the Medal Of Great Heroism In Combat. Back on Zeta this really downed our moral. General Darren had played a huge part in defending Zeta.

Attack On Mars
Science-FictionThis is the sequence to my other book. Please enjoy. Find out what happens to Mars in this awesome book. If you guys like the series please tell me so I know if I need to write another book. Thanks enjoy!