There tanks rolled into position. We were surprised they were still moving. All of the dust made them all look nearly identical to the ground. Our tanks weren't here yet, this was a prediciment.
We only had to hold out for 21 hours. Then we could go home. We put up the our final defense. We were going hold and go home or all die here. They were marching in for another attack. General William yelled over the intercom" Defensive position!" Our artillery started firing. They started running faster and faster to get to the wall but utterly. Were destroyed.
General Ethan and General Preston met at the supply depot. Now a fortress. They were deciding wether or not to send the rest of there men. They finally decided to send the rest of there men.
Only 13 hours left. They are attacking again. The battle has been fierce. Bodies litter the city, cliffs, and area around the capital. We were going hold. They breached one part of the wall. We held them off.
We breached the wall but got pushed back. We had substained heavy losses. Finally the tanks got here. We pushed with them. There artillery tore them up.
Almost there, 1 more hour. The time finally came we blasted through the building. The Zetans didn't even know what to make of it. Finally we are going home. There fleet even let us escape.

Attack On Mars
Science FictionThis is the sequence to my other book. Please enjoy. Find out what happens to Mars in this awesome book. If you guys like the series please tell me so I know if I need to write another book. Thanks enjoy!