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Twas the night before Christmas
And all through hogwarts
Not a person was stirring
not even the dark lord

The portraits were snoring all down the halls
After days of talking and watching yuell balls
The houselves slept all warm by the fire
Occasionally joined by the Fat Frier

The stockings were hung by the pupils' beds
And all across the castle, by Hagrid's sheds
The dinner was made for the next day
And until eaten there they would stay

Then all of a sudden there came such a crash
A loud squeak, a laugh, a chuckle and a bash
At once the professor's were ready and out
Looking around and ready to shout

A cloud of dust had formed and a tangle of lights
The Christmas tree had fallen, they thought of the sight
Mistletoe was strewn and tinsel was scattered
The tree was destroyed and it's branches matted

Then Peeves appeared out of the mirk
A helmet in his hand and on his face a smirk
The teacher watched in horror and dismay
As he crushed everything that was in his way

With his silvery skin and old fashioned clothes
And his tiny eyes and upturned nose
He was chased away by an angry Filch
But with all his efforts the results were zilch

Up on the seventh floor by the room of requirement
Minerva sat debating retirement
Her bun was a mess and limbs heavy
But she sat still and held herself steady

And out of the blue came a flash
'Dumbledores here' she thought 'at last'
With a flick of his wand and a nod of his head
Peeves was no longer something to dread

With his eyes all a twinkle and his face so merry
His figure was tall, friendly not scary
As powerful as he but somewhat mad
He was a wizard of good for that they were glad

And with that he turned to go back to bed
The professor's watched the back of his head
Then he turned to them all and said with might
' Merry Christmas to all and too all a good night'

A/N I'm not going to make all this story a poem I just came up with this and thought it would fit
Charli x

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