Chapter 3

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"Ouch! Oh no where did I put that sock?"
"Oh there it is. Wait no it isn't, what is that?"
"Bloody hell it just moved."
Harry ran into the boy's dormitories to find Ron stood on Neville's bed, armed with a toothbrush and staring intensely at a corner by Harry's bed. Seamus was crouched behind the curtain, still wearing his pyjama top. They both stared, unblinkingly and shushed Harry when he skidded in.
Chuckling to himself at his friends antics, Harry looked around at the chaos off their room.  Books were spread from under the beds, some smoking slightly, and clothes were spilling out of open trunks.
"What happened in here?" He asked.
Ron and Seamus jumped at his voice, looked at each other and rushed to explain.
"Well we were packing-"
"There was a bloody ginormous thing and-"
"I cast a spell but-"
"And then it moved so-"
"Boom it like exploded-"
"And I think it's gone"
Ron finished proudly brandishing his toothbrush for effect. Seamus nodded and a wisp of smoke trailed out of his hair.
Harry laughed at them and helped them clear up the room before Dean or Hermione saw the state of it.

When they finally got down to the common room, Hermione was sat ready to go and reading a huge book.
"Really Herm', all this reading, it's like you cant open up to us." Harry said teasingly.
Ron, catching on added with " I know what you mean Harry, but when we try to talk to you Herm',  you're already fully booked."
Harry continued, " And when our friendship is is ruined, I guess we'll only have ourshelves to blame."
"Actually," Hermione said looking irritated, "you'll have those awful puns to blame!"
Smirking she got up and put her book in her bag. " What took you so long anyway?"
Ron then launched into a detailed account of his heroic escapades, saving all of Gryffindor from what turned out to be a faulty sneak-o-scope.
By then the trio had reached the front hall and they were about to enter the frosty morning air when Harry ran into something.
That something turned out to be a someone with light gold hair and piercing grey eyes. Draco Malfoy.
"Watch were your going Potter!" He spat, straitening his robes and looking at his friends.
Surrounding the blond was Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Crabbe and Goyle. They were all looking mockingly at the Gryffindors, defensive for their best friend.
Ron, eager to offend Malfoy, replied " staying here then Malfoy? Did your family realise they don't want scum like you?"
Blaise moved to get his wand but Malfoy stopped him and looked disdainfully at Ron.
"Actually Weasly, Father decided that the train was too low class and is sending a car over next week. But I guess you wouldn't know that was an option, I mean it's not like you could afford it." He said snidely.
Now it was Harry's turn to pull Ron back and he dragged him away from the Slytherins and outside.
" That bastard! If only I could get my hands on him I'd-" He cracked his knuckles fiercely.
" Do absolutely nothing Ron." Hermione finished for him. " You shouldn't sink down to his level."
Ron muttered something to himself and nodded.
They made their way to the station and once again Harry felt the strange lump in his throat at the thought of his friends leaving.
Hermione grabbed him into a bear hug which Ron soon joined in.
" We'll be back before you know it!"
" See you mate."
The got on the crimson engine and Harry watched as it pulled away into the fog of a winters morning.
The tears, which Harry didn't know he had spilled, froze in his flushed cheeks and he looked around to see if anyone had seen them.
His eyes fixed on Draco, who was stood a few feet away. Sensing he was being watched, Draco turned and scowled at Harry, the morning sun bouncing of his light hair.
Then he turned and stormed up to the castle and left Harry alone at the Platform debating another Christmas alone.

Thanks for reading! Sorry I haven't updated in a while...
Charli xx

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