Chapter 1

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Harry's eyes were shut. He was vaguely aware of this as he drifted through the haze of consciousness and dreams. A rough movement on his arm stirred him and he realised his face was pressed against a cold, hard surface. Finally opening his eyes, the world swam into a blurred and distorted being and he realised he was in his History of Magic class. No wonder he had fallen asleep.
Fixing his glasses on his nose and lifting his head, from what appeared to be a desk, Harry started to listen at the jumble of words spoken his way.
"Honestly Harry you should know better than to fall asleep in class!" Hermione was reprimanding, he half considered going back to sleep, " Our N.E.W.Ts are coming up. We need to get ahead, which is why I made us all revision schedules starting tonight"
"Hermione" Ron complained from the desk behind, "give it up already! We've got like a year and it's Christmas"
"Still that's no excuse." She said, but her determination was wavering.
Seeing an opportunity Harry spoke, his voice still horse from slumber. "Come one Herm' we'll study in the holidays and after Christmas but it's the last day."
" Fine!" She eventually sighed, "I guess I could move a few things around. But don't blame me if you fail!"
Chuckling to themselves he and Ron agreed that none of the blame would be placed on her in case of there failure as they packed away their books in time for Dinner.

By the time they arrived the hall was packed with buzzing crowds and sparkling trees. Hagrid had been seen all over the school, dragging around Christmas trees and decorations and now the hall looked magical with real fairies and robins fluttering above people's heads.
Harry, Ron and Hermione squeezed in at the Gryffindor table and shouted to one and other above the noise.
" Wow the decorations are beautiful" Hermione said, her eyes shining from the fairy lights"
They all looked around appreciatively but couldn't see far from all the people still willing around.
"Blimey it's busy this year" Ron exclaimed pointing out the obvious.
"I guess it will be quieter once the train leaves tomorrow," Harry said vaguely.
All of a sudden Ron and Hermione looked guilty and made eye contact, both looking away from Harry.
Noticing this, "What's going on?" Harry said hesitantly seeing their glance.
An uncomfortable science fell soon the three as no one wanted to answer his question.
"Oh Harry I'm sorry!" Hermione suddenly exclaimed, " we were going to tell you before but then, with everything that happened with Katie we forgot."
"Hermione w-what do you mean?" Harry stuttered fearing the worst.
"Well," she started, " Ron and I aren't staying at hogwarts this year. My parents want me home for Christmas  and Ron's family are going to Romania to visit Charlie."
"I mean it's not like we will do anything interesting just study, like you said." She babbled. " I mean Ron will get to see dragons and that's fascinating but it won't be the same without us all together."

Harry sat and started at her, trying to ignore the sinking feeling of disappointment in the pit of his stomach.
He turned to Ron, who this whole time was to interested in food to interact with people.
He finally looked up, his mouth full of chicken and garbled "s'r'y m'te" and swallowed, " We barely ever get to see him and we got the chance from Dad's work  , we got the tickets last minute."
He smiled lopsidedly and looked sympathetically at his friend.
"We are so sorry Harry" Hermione said her voice trembling.
Swallowing the lump in his throat Harry faked a smile to comfort Hermione and said," it's ok I understand, I hope you have a great time with revision and dragons."

For the rest of the meal they sat in relative silence, Hermione being the only one attempting conversation, as Harry was left to dwell on another Christmas alone.

Thanks for reading I hope to update soon
Charli xxx

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