Chapter 5

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I almost smirked when i saw Harry's face once he saw me in my training outfit. I could tell he ws gonna be fun.

Paul led the way to this so called private gym, and i followed behind him with Harry close by. It was my duty to stay with him at all times.

But i had to admit i was Happy with how my job ended up so far. Harry seemed nice, and i admitit would be awkward sleeping in the same bed as his for eight months, But it wasn't like i had a choice.

"We're here" Paul said and opened a pair of glass doors, we went in.


The place was huge. and it was complete with anything we could have possibly needed. Treads, Weights, you name it. But what really caught my attention is the ring at the middle of the gym. It was huge and it kind of reminded me of our ring back home.

All the one direction boys sat down on the benches and the five of us were just standing,

"So they showed me your papers"  Paul said to us  "And it showed some amazing stuff, but i was especially impressed with Ms. Elaine's papers"

"Ella"  i corrected.

"Of course, i'm sorry."  he smiled.

"And in line with what i was shown, i would really like it if you showed us some of your training. Just in case some had doubts about you"  He looked at the one direction boys.

They only laughed.

"So are you guys up for it?"  he asked us.

We nodded and the one direction boys roared in agreement.

"Who's up first?"  Zayn asked.

"As usual, it will be ladies first, the rules are change the loser"  Jayden said.

Oh great.

"First up is Ella and Jackson"  Henry said.

"Yeahhh! Go Jackson!!"  Liam shouted.

We all looked at him like he was crazy.

"What? it's not everyday you get to see real professional agents train right in front of you!"  he defended himself.

"The support is just a bit over the top, lad"  Jackson told him.

"What about me? i'm supporting too! Go Ellaaaa!"  Harry shouted.

I only laughed quietly.

"Get on the ring already!"  Louis told the two.

We did as we were told and i got on the ring with Jackson, i took my stance and we were just about to begin...

"Wait!" someone shouted. It was Harry.

"What?" Paul asked him.

"They're not gonna lift weights or do pushups? They're gonna fight? As in hurt each other?"  Harry asked.

"What do you think they'll do? Of course they'll have to!"  Paul told him back.

"But just look at Ella! she's so small and Jackson is huge! She might get hurt!"  Harry protested.

All five us burst out in laughter.

"What?"  Harry looked confused.

"Just watch and learn Styles"  i told him from the ring.

I put my attention back to Jackson who took his stance in front of me.

"Ready?"  Paul asked.

We both nodded and he rang a bell.

Jackson just smiled at me. He was the one who made the first move and ran towards me. I dodged him, did a backflip and landed perfectly on my feet.

I looked over at them and i saw Harry's mouth wide open.

Jackson turned around and lunged for me again. This time i did the move that Flynn taught me, The Supernova. I gave him a three-punch combo, while he was distracted i jumped high, wrapped my legs on his shoulders and twisted him, going down to the floor.

The count went on. and Jackson didn't have a sign of getting up.

Jayden started the count "ONE! TW-"

My foot was pulled down and Jackson pinned me to the floor and did several punches on my face and stomach. I pulled away from him and rolled over so i was on top. Bad move.

He threw me behind him and my face hit the floor of the ring. I stood up quickly and saw him running towards me. He did his signature punch, but i dodged it neatly ducking down. I kicked him in the shins and pinned him down on the floor. He tried to get out of my grasp but i positioned him into a headlock. He couldn't move.

Jayden counted again "ONE! TWO! THR-"

Jackson was able to get out of my grasp and flip me over. He pinned me to the ground and before he could do anything, i kicked his balls, and he doubled over in pain. I took advantage of that and stood up.

He was quick to stand up too but i could tell he was still in pain. I punched him thrice and did a cartwheel, hitting his face with both of my feet as he dropped down on the floor.

"ONE! TWO! THREE! WINNER!" Jayden shouted and pointed at me.

Paul went up the ring and examined Jackson.

"Knocked out"  he smiled at me.

I smiled back and i caught the faces of the one direction boys

"That was amazing!"  Zayn shouted.

"Did i really just see that?" Harry said.

I only laughed and i knew i was gonna have to face the other three, so i took a look at the ring and Jackson was just starting to regain conciousness. I went up to help him.

"You alright bud?"  i asked him, taking his hand and pulling him up.

"You really got your work cut out for you Ella, i'm proud"  he smiled.

"Your nose is bleeding"  i told him.

"Yeah, i'll just clean it up"  he walked to the bathroom.

"That was phenomenal Ella!"  Paul said.

"Thank you" i smiled at him.

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