Chapter 7

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Jackson pried my hand off Ella, i was confused, why did Jayden tell her to 'keep calm'?

"I wouldn't do that if i were you mate, you could have lost your hand there" he told me.

"I'm sorry Harry" Ella apologized.

Why was she apologizing? She didn't even do anything wrong!

Just as i was about to speak to her, the doors to the gym opened and revealed Paul.

"Good news Agents, you can loosen up a little on your formality. But on the other hand, Mr. Kennedy wouldn't want you to loosen up on your duties on these five boys." he said.

"Mr. Kennedy?" Niall asked. "Isn't that Ella's last name?"

"Flynn Kennedy is the owner and over-all Chief of the agency. He also happens to be Ella's Father" Paul clarified.

"Whoa, so that's how your so good at all this defense stuff" Liam looked at Ella.

She only smiled at him. I wonder why Paul didn't mention Flynn as Ella's ADOPTIVE father.

"Yes, Ella is very trained and you are more than lucky to have her. And i want to tell you to not underestimate her. Yes, she may be only eighteen years old, she may seem small and helpless, but you have no idea on what she has been doing for almost seventeen years." Paul said.

Everyone looked at Ella, and she looked down on the floor. Obviously embarrassed of the attention.

"wait" Ella said softly.

We looked at her. slightly confused.

"I...i would like to explain my recent behavior, and i want to apologize." She looked at me.

"El...." Jackson put his hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry Harry, and to all of you too." She said quietly.

"Why are you apologizing? You didn't even do anything!" Zayn said, repeating my thoughts earlier.

Jackson looked at Ella and she nodded at him.

"You see, we all have been training for years" Jackson started, "And along with the Physical training comes with the emotional control, Ella's temper seems to get the best of her most of the time. Because there's a story behind it"

"Would it be okay if you shared it with us?" Liam asked.

Jackson once again looked at Ella. She nodded again

"Twenty years ago, Flynn Kennedy founded and organization made for undercover agents, His buisness was booming, everyone was hiring them for security, but within two years, one cold night, Someone knocked on Flynn's door. He was lucky enough to be the one to answer it, and out there in the cold, laid two newborn babies. A girl and a boy."

Everyone was looking at Jackson with interested eyes. He continued.

"Nothing was there with them except for a paper with their Birth dates on them, Flynn took them in and waited for someone to come looking for them. But no one ever did. So Flynn raised them as his own and gave them names. The papers both wrote 'February 25 1993', meaning that the two were twins. He called them Eddie and Ella Kennedy"

We all looked at each other in shock, Ella had a twin brother? Where was he now? was he back at the agency?

We let Jackson speak again.

"They were raised and taught everything their father knew, they were trained well. But one night, when it was only Flynn, Ella, and Eddie in the agency, everybody else was home for the holidays. The children were five years old, when robbers came into their place. Flynn bid his children to hide in the closet, and he was doing his best to fight them off. But since he himself was getting older, he was desperatley losing. And that caused Eddie and Ella to run out and defend their father. They all fought as a family, but one thing led to another and Flynn was knocked out. When he opened his eyes Eddie was gone and Ella was on the floor, bleeding and nearly dead,"

Everyone's mouths were open as we continued listening to the story.

"Flynn brought Ella to the hospital, and they were lucky that she survived, she had many broken bones and many wounds as well. Meanwhile Flynn was doing all he can to find his son. Days, weeks, months, and years passed. Ella grew up and they all believed that Eddie was dead"

"But he isn't" Ella interrupted Jackson "I know Eddie, even if i was with him for only a while, he would never give up, he'll come back" she said, determination and control in her voice.

Jackson looked at her and smiled warmly. I wasn't sure if he believed her or not.

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