Chapter 11

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At one in the morning Paul got in with medics and policemen. Apparently I did some damage to one guy's skull and broke the rib cage of another. They brought them to the hospital and soon will be bringing them to Jail.

The medics examined all of us, and I made them go to Harry first. They said he's perfectly fine.

Everyone was alright, I only had a few bruises and a bloody nose but that's about it.

"First night on the job and you've already seriously injured three people." Paul smiled at me.

Doesn't he even know that Harry was almost dead because of me?

I ignored him and put my lips in a straight line.

"Paul, I left Harry alone in the room, when I came back a man was holding a knife to his neck. I practically disobeyed my entire duty" I tell him.

Paul sighed.

"Look at Harry now. Is he hurt? Does he even have a small scratch?" he gestured to Harry

I didn't answer, he just continued talking.

"No he doesn't, and that's because you saved his life" he explained.

I still didn't talk and looked away from him.

I felt someone sit beside me, and I turn to see Harry. He puts a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm not hurt, I'm perfectly fine, if you didn't wake me up and kick those guy's asses I probably would be dead by now. Ella, you saved my life" he spoke softly.

I only looked at him and he pulled me into a hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and I didn't know what to do or say, so I hugged him back.

"Alright" We pulled away from each other.

"You guys should get some sleep, Ella, make sure the doors and windows are locked. I already placed security at the lobby and entrance of the hotel. Arthur, it's your shift" Paul said.

Arthur nodded and everyone else went back to their rooms. I followed Harry back to his bedroom and he slipped into the covers, while I checked the doors and barred the windows.

The door opened and Arthur peered in.

"El, I'll be taking the watch now. You can go to sleep." he says and I nod at him.

"take care, and wake me up if anything's going on" I reply.

"Ok" he smiled "Night El"

"Night" and he closes the door.

I looked at myself and went to the mirror.

I change my shirt since its covered in blood and I wash my face.

When I come back Harry is lying down on the bed, and I slip into the covers beside him. I lie down and try to get some sleep.

I mentally slapped myself for being such an idiot. And on the first night of my job no less.

After a few minutes of lecturing myself my eyelids were getting heavy.

Just before I dozed off I heard Harry's voice

"Thank you for saving my life, Goodnight Ella." and I felt lips press against my forehead.

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