Chapter 20 - Protection

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Hello, beautiful readers. New chapter, so yayyyy!

Second, I changed the name of the book, as you may have already noticed. And the cover too. I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for so that has to do it for now.

Third, I've been editing the previous chapters whenever I feel like it, so there may be some errors in them. DO NOT FEAR!!!


Sorry I scared you.

I'm also gonna change the titles of the previous chapters, since they were a little like the title of the book. So now they won't necessary start with: The (blah blah blah)

I think it's all....

Well, have a great reading and don't forget to vote and comment because I love to read the comments and they make me really happy.

Bye bye now.


(Christian) "It was a fucking dildo!"

Matt's eyes widened, Arianna blushed and Roberto and Benjamin were extremely uncomfortable.

(Christian) "Trust me, as soon as I find out who did this shit, I'm killing that person!" – he yelled.

(Hannah) "No, you won't."

He snapped his head to her direction but then started walking to her. Everyone else watching him carefully in case he did something he would regret in the future.

(Christian) "How can you be so fucking calm about this?! Do you think you can get off better with a fucking toy?!" – he stopped right in front of her.

Hannah was starting to get embarrassed for having these kind of conversations in front of her father and Christian's parents.

(Hannah) "Can you give us a few minutes, please?" – she looked to the others.

(Benjamin) "Christian seems very angry about uh... this situation." – he mumbled.

(Hannah) "He's not gonna hurt me."

(Christian) "I'll kill myself if I ever put my hands on her in that fucking way! How could you even fucking think that?!"

Hannah put her hand on his chest to try to calm him down a little bit.

(Hannah) "Don't worry. I'll be fine."

Arianna pushed everyone out the door and then closed it behind her. Hannah slid her hand down his arm, grabbing his hand in the end and then sat him down on one of the stools, standing between his legs.

(Hannah) "I love you..."

(Christian) "It's pissing me off how calm you are about this." – he said through gritted teeth.

She grabbed his hands and put them on each side of her belly.

(Hannah) "It was just a joke."

(Christian) "It was a stupid joke. Everyone's gonna think I'm not doing the right job pleasuring my woman."

Hannah smiled at his name for her.

(Hannah) "It wasn't like that. It was just a joke. It has nothing to do with what you're thinking."

(Christian) "You know who gave you that gift, don't you?"

Hannah bit her lip, and when Christian tried to stand back up, she pushed him to sit down again.

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