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Chapter 1

"Thank you!" My best friend Ryne smiled, paying the taxi man before jumping out of the car. She started walking as I just sat in the car with my arms crossed, my butt glued to the seat. "Nellie, come on!" She laughed, opening my door.

"Ryne, I look ridiculous!" I hissed and she tried to drag me out of the seat but I didn't budge. Even though she had enough spirt and will power to out do me in most things, I was physically and mentally stronger than her.

"Nellie, you look beautiful!" She giggled, finally getting me out of the cab.

"Nobody can look beautiful in blue!" I hissed, putting the bright blue Chicago Cub's sunglasses on. "What if somebody sees me?" I gulped, nervously adjusting my blue Cub's baseball cap and Ryne rolled her eyes, starting to walk toward the large gates mounted in front of me.

"Nellie, I doubt anyone would recognize you!" She laughed loudly and I ran after her, grabbing onto her arm.

"I think I'm the most decorative person here!" I huffed, looking down at my blue leggings with the famous Cub's 'C' printed all over, the blue and red Cub's socks that covered the bottom of my leggings, the white Nike Roshe Run's that had the Cub's logo printed onto them, and the blue jersey of some random Cub's player that I already despised.

"Ryne?" Ryne's boyfriend Gary laughed, walking over to us and my jaw dropped.

"HE KNEW IT WAS ME!" I gasped and Ryne rolled her eyes, handing me my ticket.

"Because I showed him what you'd be wearing!" She sighed, handing her ticket to the lady.

"You look absolutely amazing!" Gary smirked and I rolled my eyes, walking up to the ticket lady.

"You must be a hardcore fan!" She laughed and I shook my head.

"No, not exactly! I think this blue is horrendous and I can't wait for this stupid game to be over!" I hissed, taking my marked ticket and hurrying to catch up with Ryne and Gary. "I'm going to the bathroom!" I gulped and Ryne shook her head.

"You better be in your seat within the next 20 minutes or else you owe me the $1000 I spent on that ticket!" She hissed and I glared at her.

"Can I have beer money?" I sighed, looking at Gary and he laughed, handing me a $50 bill.

"You deserve a good buzz!" He smiled and I handed him the horrendous white Cub's purse.

"Put your phone in it so I know you won't run off!" Ryne crossed her ams and I rolled my eyes, handing her my phone.

"There!" I hissed, glaring at her from behind my sunglasses.

"Can you two make bets more often?" Gary laughed and I took off my sunglasses.

"She cheated!" I yelled, waving them in her face.

"Because you decided to shave my eyebrow while I was asleep!" She yelled, grabbing the sunglasses from me.

"Blame it on the alcohol!" I smirked and she just laughed, shaking her head.

"Go get your beer, we'll meet you at the seats!" She smiled and I nodded.

"Want anything?" I sighed, walking backwards and they both shook their heads. "Suit yourselves!" I smirked, making me way to the food area.

I stood in line for roughly 10 minutes just to order the largest size of beer they had. Once I got it, I turned around and suddenly it was on the floor.

"I am SO sorry!" A younger guy gasped and I laughed, shaking my head.

"Maybe it's a sign!" I sighed, staring at the cup on the ground, floating in a puddle of liquid.

"I'll buy you a new one!" He placed the money down on the counter and I shook my head.

"Don't worry about it!" I smiled slightly, giving him back his money but he quickly put it back down again.

"I will worry about it! I can't let a pretty girl not watch America's favorite past-time without America's favorite drink!" He smirked and I laughed shaking my head, looking up into his dark brown eyes that sparkled as the sun set.

"Thanks!" I sighed, crossing my arms.

"Are you an Anthony Rizzo fan?" He smirked, handing me my cup.

"Who?" I laughed slightly, taking a quick sip.

"Rizzo, your jersey says Rizzo!" He gestured to one of Ryne's jersey's that I was wearing.

"Not exactly!" I sighed and he raised an eyebrow. "I'm not even Cub's fan to begin with! South Side is more my style! The only reason I'd ever be out in public dressed like this is because I lost a bet!" I took a napkin and a pen and wrote down my number. "But if you're ever willing to see Cellular, give me a call!" I smiled, handing him the napkin and he nodded, smiling at the number written in the horrendous Cub's blue that seems to be haunting me this evening.

"I'll definitely take you up on your offer..." He froze and I laughed, sticking out my hand.

"Nellie!" I smiled and he shook my hand.

"Like Nellie Fox!" He smirked and I nodded. "Anthony!" He sighed and I laughed slightly, not thinking.

"Like Anthony Rizzo!" I giggled and he nodded.

"Like Anthony Rizzo" He laughed, looking down then back up at me. "I'm running late, but, I'll talk to you later!" He smirked before running off.

"Bye..." I sighed, watching him dodge through the sea of people, running to God knows where!

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