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Chapter 5

"But did being a Sox fan save your great grandfather?" He gulped, looking into my eyes. 

"That's a story for a different night!" I smirked, feeling the cold, early spring, grass in between my fingers. 

"Did I change your mind yet? Showing you that the Cubs might not be too bad?" He smiled and I laughed abruptly, shaking my head. 

"Nobody could do that!" I sighed, standing up. "But thank you, for tonight!" I smirked,  crossing my arms as Anthony looked up at me. 

"You can't leave yet!" He jumped and I shook my head, looking up at the outfield ivy. 

"I have a flight to catch tomorrow morning..." I gulped, heading towards the dugout. 

"Where are you going?" He after me, standing between me and the dugout. 

"Home!" I shrugged, looking into his lost eyes. 

"I thought Chicago was your home?" He stuttered as I slowly shook my head. 

"It is, but I'm going to my second home!" I sighed, looking in the unflattering purse and handed him my business card. "I'm a league physician, I get hopped around a lot. Two days ago I was in Los Angeles! I'm based out of Detroit but, it changes often!" I looked down then back up at him. 

"Really?" He mumbled and I nodded. 

"Don't worry, I still live in the city!" I giggled, adjusting my hat. "I'll see you around!" I smiled and he shook his head, standing in front of me. I just stood there, looking up at him as he somehow managed to tower over me. I looked into his eyes and he just looked back. 

"I'll walk you to your car...." He gulped, clearing the prolonged silence. 

"Thanks, but I was just going to Uber home!" I sighed and he shook his head. 

"I'll drive you!" A smile slowly formed and I just nodded. 

"Sounds good!" I giggled softly, following him out of the stadium. 

As we walked through the empty rows, I felt safe. A type of safe I've rarely ever felt in my life. I've always been afraid to commit to something, hence the reason why I'm a league physician. I'm never in one place long enough to become close to someone! Throughout my entire life, whenever I get close to someone, I seem to lose them. My mother, my father, my grandparents... That's why I chose to be based out of Detroit instead of Chicago, so I couldn't get SUPER close to Ryne. My job has put a wedge between us that annoys Ryne to no end, but I'm completely fine with! Hell, I turned down my dream job as a team physician for the Sox so I wouldn't lose my best friend! So, as we made our way through the ghost town version of Wrigley, I felt safe. Like there was no chance of losing Anthony. 

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