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Chapter 3

*Anthony's POV*

As I ran through the stadium, I felt my body hit another one. I was already running late and now I was going to be SUPER late! Kris, Addison, and myself took David out for his last first game and the whole plan seemed to backfire on me. I was the only one drunk off my ass because they kept switching my drink with theirs. I'd do a shot, they'd pretend to do, I'd look down, and somehow my glass is still full, as is theirs. So, I'd do it again. Well, let's just say that's the last time I drink anything the night before a game!

"I am SO sorry!" I gasped, looking at a beautiful girl in blue, looking down at the cup floating in a puddle of beer, laughed slightly. 

"Maybe it's a sign!" She smiled, looking up at me. Her beautiful green eyes seemed to tell a story, one I didn't know but I was dying to. 

"I'll buy you a new one!" I jumped, snapping myself out of my trans, placing a wad of crumpled bills on the counter but I found them back in my hand. 

"Don't worry about it!" Her teeth were perfectly straight and white. She didn't even need to talk, she just needed to smile to have any man melt in the palms of her hands. I quickly put it back down, shaking my head

"I will worry about it! I can't let a pretty girl not watch America's favorite past-time without America's favorite drink!" I smirked, trying to make her laugh. 

"Thanks!" She laughed slightly, shaking her head as she crossed her arms. I reached behind her, grabbing the drink, noticing her jersey. 

"Are you an Anthony Rizzo fan?" I smirked, feeling a sense of pride as I handed her the cup. I expected her to say that he was 'super hot' but instead she just looked at me with pure confusion. 

"Who?" She laughed, quickly taking a sip of her drink. I felt my heart drop and shatter into a million pieces. 

"Rizzo, your jersey says Rizzo!" I jumped, gesturing to her shirt as my heart tried to find it's way back together. 

"Not exactly!" She sighed and I raised an eyebrow, confused as to why she wouldn't like me! "I'm not even a Cub's fan to begin with! South Side is more my style!" Her auburn hair flew in the wind as her soft voice carried through the air. "The only reason I'd ever be out in public dressed like this is because I lost a bet!" I felt a sense of closure as she turned and grabbed a napkin. She quickly wrote something down before turning around and handing it to me.  "But if you're ever willing to see Cellular, give me a call!" She smiled, and I looked down at the napkin that had numbers written in Cubs blue. I neatly folded it, placing it in my pocket. 

"I'll definitely take you up on you offer..." I froze, realizing I never got this auburn haired, green eyed beauty's name. 

"Nellie!" She laughed, sticking her hand out .

"Like Nellie Fox!" I smirked, trying to impress her as I shook her hand. "Anthony!" I sighed, and she laughed, making me feel warm inside. 

"Like Anthony Rizzo!" She smiled and I felt my heart skip a best. 

"Like Anthony Rizzo!" I laughed. "I'm running late, but, I'll talk to you later!" I smirked before running off to the club house, dodging the several people creating mobs in the middle of the stadium walk ways. 

When I got in, everyone stared at me. 

"I think I'm in love!" I gulped and everyone continued to stare at me. 

"I think you're still drunk!" Kris smirked, breaking the silence. 

"No, I think I met my future wife..." I sighed and everyone continued to stare at me. 

"Okay, Anthony, buddy, I think you should sit this gam-"

"No, I'm fine!" I hissed, sitting down on my seat, pulling off my slides and slipping on my game socks. 

"So you're in love?" David smirked, sitting down next to me and I ripped off my blue shirt. 

"I think I am!" I smiled, buttoning my jersey. 

"What's her name?" He sighed, putting on deodorant as I slipped off my sweatpants and pulled on my pinstriped pants. 

"Nellie!" I sighed, quickly putting on my hat. 

"Don't rush into anything, I don't want you to get hurt!" He gulped, standing up and I nodded. 

"Thanks!" I smiled, standing up and grabbing my bag. "Well, here's to your last first game!" I patted David's shoulder and he nodded. 

"I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else!" He smiled. 

We walked out to the dugout and talked, waiting for them to call out each of our names. Almost everyone was called before me. It was just David, our coaching staff left when I got called out after Kris. 

"GIVE IT UP FOR THE 1st BASEMAN, ANTHONY RIZZO!" Even though I've done this a thousand times, each time felt like the first. This time, was different. I had someone watching me that I cared for greatly. I ran out and scanned the crowd only to figure out that she was the first person I laid eyes. She looked at me strangely then I saw her face drop as a sign of conclusion. I could tell she finally put the two. We just looked at each other, both smiling, until Kris cleared his throat. I turned away and Kris smiled. 

"Congratulations buddy!" He smirked and I raised and eyebrow. "I think the feelings mutual!" He patted my shoulder before running into the dugout, seeking his glove and a ball. 

"Good job!" David smirked and all I could do was smile. 

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