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Chapter 2

As I sat down, Ryne just looked at me.

"What?" I laughed, putting my feet up on to the concrete dugout in front of me.

"Why are you smiling? Did someone slip something into your drink? Are you okay?" She gulped grabbing my cup out of my hand and I quickly grabbed it back.

"Excuse me, I asked if you wanted something and you said no!" I hissed, talking a large gulp of beer before placing it down in the cup holder.

"Who do you want to win?" Greg smirked.

"Who are the Cubs playing?" I looked at Ryne and she rolled her eyes.

"The Angels!" She laughed slightly and I looked at Greg.

"The Angels!" I smiled and he laughed, shaking his head.

"Why do you hate the Cubs so much?" He crossed his arms and I glared at him.

"Why are you dating a complete idiot?!" I slightly yelled and Ryne looked at Greg.

"I have to side to Minnie on this one!" She sighed and I glared at Greg as he laughed.

"I meant why are you such a die heart Sox fan?" He smiled and I cleared my throat.

"My father, Mr. Billy Anderson, named after the one and only Billy Pierce, grew up a Sox fan because his father was a Sox fan because his father we a Sox fan because going to a game save his life!" I clapped. "But, my mother, Barbara 'Babe' Francone was a HUGE fan of the Yankees. Her grandfather played on the same team as Babe Ruth when he hit his famous dead center home run! So, they got married, blah blah, they flipped a coin to see where they'd end up. Heads, Sox. Tails, Yanks! So, heads it was. They also flipped to see if I would be named Nellie Minnie or Babara 'Babe' Yogi!" I smiled and Greg laughed.

"I miss your parents!" Ryne sighed and I nodded.

"A day doesn't go by that I don't think about them!" I gulped, looking down at the ground.

"Billy would disown you if he saw you right now!" Ryne smirked and I laughed, nodding my head.

"That he would!" I smiled, looking up.

"Babe and Billy would be proud of you though! You turned out pretty well!" She flipped her hair and I rolled my eyes making both Ryne and Greg laugh.

"I barely turned out good enough!" I smirked and Ryne wrapped her arm around you.

"I love you, you know that, right?" She gulped and I nodded.

"You know I hate you, right?" I giggled and she playfully pushed my head.

"We are now going to welcome your 2016 Chicago Cubs baseball team!" A loud voice boomed and the lights flashed before they started announcing each player before they ran out. "GIVE IT UP FOR THE 1st BASEMAN, ANTHONY RIZZO!" I looked up and saw a familiar man ran out onto the field. He looked up at we made eye contact, sending shivers throughout my entire body.

It can't just be a coincident that Anthony Rizzo shared the same, deep, dark brown eyes that glistened with the sunset that the man Anthony did back at the food area. He smiled slightly nodding his head and I just sat up, looking at him as if he were a rare fish in an aquarium filled with gold fish.

"You okay?" Ryne smirked and I nodded softly, not looking away from the tall, muscular man.

"Yeah, just fine..." I gulped, smiling slightly, my cheeks slowly turning red the longer I looked at the man. He laughed slightly and finally broke the eyes contact, turning to look at the man standing next to him.

"You sure?" Ryne laughed and I smiled, looking over at her.

"Ya, positive!" I giggled, smiling brightly.

"What ever!" She laughed, shaking her head.

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