Chapter 1: Yeah, No

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I slowly open my eyes and sit up. I stretch, and look at the empty space in the bed. I could have sworn... "Morning Sunshine!" Jame says as he walks in my bedroom with...eggs and bacon? I give him a confused look as he sits down beside me. He passes me the plate, and l head right to the bacon. "Mmmmm Jame this is amazing!" I exclaim. I look over and see Jame blushing. "I'll see you tonight though right?" He asks. I nod my head, assuming he means at the club. "Yeah I guess." Jame kisses my forehead and leaves. I hear the front door close, and the bacon falls out of my mouth. Shit. He thinks we're actually together. He must think we're a couple. SHIT! Ugh this is why I don't go this far. But I don't know. There was just something about him last night. I stand up and head to the trash. I scrape off all the food into a bag and throw it out the window. "EWWWW!" I hear a scream. Crap. I peep out my window and see a guy with egg in his hair. Holy shit cakes. This guy is HOT. Like REALLY hot. I stick my head out the window. "Sorry!" I call. "You're lucky your pretty!" He yells before flipping the finger. I laugh and close my window. I head into my kitchen and hear my phone ringing. Melissa. Hmm. She normally doesn't call this early. I answer the call. "Hey Mel!" I exclaim into the phone. "Mmmmmmm! Oooohhhh! Oh yeah John!" I hear Mel moan. "Mel?" I ask, completely grossed out. Mel screams, and then it just goes silent. "Mel?" I bite my lip, scared that John murdered my best friend...and his fiancée... Then they both moan. Ew. No no no no no. I scream as loud as I possible could and hang up the phone. "GROSS!" I scream running outside, right into Mr. Hottie. "Whoa watch where your going!" He exclaims. "Hey your the girl who threw eggs at me!" He exclaims. "Look I'm really sorry about it. I honestly didn't mean to, I just didn't think anyone was out there! And now my best friend just butt-dialed me while she was having sex with her fiancé!" Mr. Hottie looks at me with a confused face. "Her fiancé is MY BROTHER!" I scream. "Yikes." Mr. Hottie says while cringing. "I'm Toby." He says sticking his hand out for me to shake it. "I'm Jenna." We shake hands.

* * *

"Um, John can I ask you a quick question?" I ask my brother later that night. "Yeah sure Jenna." I pull John to the verry back of the bar. "Did you and Melissa have sex today?" I whisper shout. John's mouth falls open. Then his cheeks turn beet red. "How did you know?" He asks. "Well I'm guessing Melissa's phone was on her bed or something because i get a phone call and all I hear is, "Ooooohhhhhhh! Oh yeah John!" I yell out. John slaps his hand over my mouth. "Shut up will you!" I burst out laughing and continue making the sex noises. "Is everything alright in there?" I hear Jake exclaim I start laughing all over again. I head back to the front of the bar where I see Melissa looking at me with wide eyes. "Oh no John! she's onto us!" I exclaim and burst out laughing with Jake. "Don't worry Mel." I say giving her a hug. "just next time make sure to move your phone while you're having fun." I say winking and walking over to Jake. "Says the girl who hooked up with Jame last night!" I turn on my heels. "Excuse me?" I ask, putting my hands on my hips. "Jame? Remember him? The new guy?" "I did NOT hookup with Jame last night." I exclaim. Okay so maybe I was lying, but I really don't want John, or even anyone knowing that. "What happened last night?" Jame asks. We all turn to face the door and see Jame with his long black hair pinned back. "Oh you know, you and Jenna..." Jake's voice trailes off. I stick the finger up behind my back so Jake can see. Jame starts blushing. "I was actually hopping that Jenna and I could go on a double date with you and Natalie, Jake." I try not to let my mouth fall open. A DATE?! no no no no no no he actually thinks we're together! NO NO NO NO NO!! Wait. "JAKEY HAS A GIRLFRIEND?!" I scream turnnig around. Jake starts blushing like crazy and I go over and pinch his cheek. "Awwww boo!" "Jenna stop!" Jake says while laughing. "Yeah I think that would be fun for Jenna to meet the girl of my dreams." Jake says. "aww" Mel and I coo. "Alright. Is tomorrow good?" I turn back and look at Jame. Not able to say anything, I just nod my head.

* * *

After the date, I rip off the fancy red dress Mel picked out. I change into my sweats and a tank top. I flop down on my bed and try not to puke. Ew. I just went on a date with Jame. Does he not realize that this isn't what I want?! I don't want to be in a relationship with him. I sigh, and feel my phone vibrate. I pull it out and see another text from Jame.

Jame: 'night sweatheart! <3 :*

"UGHH!" I scream and throw my phone at the wall. I pause. "MY BABY!" I scream realizing what I just did. I run to the place where my phone fell, and see it perfecly fine. "Oh thank god." I say to myself and kiss the screen. "don't you ever scare mommy like that again." I say to my phone.

Jame: see you tomorrow! :)

I see the new text and try not to break the phone right there.

* * *

I wake up in the morning and head over to John and Mel's house. "John where does Jame live?" I ask, trying to make it sound like I'm not going over there for round two of the first night. "Just down the road." John answers, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. I run off in the direction that John said and knock on the first door I see. To my luck, Jame opens the door. "Look bub. We are not dating, and we never were. Delete my number, don't ever call me again, we were never more than just friends. So go tell all your little friends that it wasn't real." I slam the door on his face and stomp back to my car.

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