Chapter 4: Day With Toby

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After telling Toby my dream, I break down in tears in his arms. "Jenna, that will never happen. I won't let it happen." Toby says while rubbing my back. "But what if it does Toby?" I feel Toby shake his head. "Jenna, I promise you that it won't happen." I swallow hard and look up at Toby. "You can't promise that." I say. "You're right. I can't. But I can promise you I will never leave you." I feel another tear slip out of my eye. "Do you think you can go back to sleep?" He asks. I shrug. "I'll stay with you. Don't worry." I bite my lip and tuck myself into my covers. Toby follows and wraps his arms around me. I snuggle into his chest, and fall asleep to the soothing beat of his heart.

* * *

I slowly open my eyes, and see Toby, still sleeping. I smile and kiss his nose. Toby's eyes flutter open and he smiles. "Morning beautiful." He says. I feel myself blush. "Does Princess Jenna want some breakfast?" He asks. I giggle and nod my head. Toby kisses my forehead and leaves my bedroom. 

Waking up to Toby's face is definitely something I could get used to. I hear my phone buzz on the table and reach for it. "Hello?" I say groggily. "Babe?" I recognize the voice. "Jame why are you calling me?" I ask. "I'm taking you out for lunch." He says. "Jame I'm actually not feeling well." I sniff. It's actually true...I'm still uneasy from the dream. "Then I'll just come over!" Jame says. "Jame, you don't' stuff." I whisper the last part. "Oh." He says. "Ok. I'll call tomorrow." Click. I flop back on my bed and sigh. "Who was that?" Toby asks as he walks in with a tray. He sits down beside me. "And was that um..." He coughs. "True?" Realizing he was talking about my excuse, I burst out laughing. "No no, it was Jame. He wanted to take me out to lunch so I made an excuse." Toby sighs in relief and passes me my toast. "So what are we going to do today missy?" Toby asks. I stick my tongue out at him. "I don't's kinda gross out." I look out my window and see that it pouring rain. "Maybe we'll watch movies or something." Toby suggests. "I don't really have anything good though." I say. "We could go over go my place..." Toby says. I shake my head. "I just want to stay here. Maybe I can fake that I'm going to like a cottage or something on the weekend though." I say. Toby smiles. "Okay, come on princess!" Toby picks me up bridal style and carries me down to my living room where he drops me in the couch. "What do you want for breakfast?" He asks, heading to my kitchen. I sit down at the island on a stool. I make a thinking face before saying "surprise me." He smiles and turns to face the stove. "Hey I'm going to get a shower okay?" "Mmhm." He says, focusing on making whatever it was he was surprising me with. I head to the washroom and strip down. I turn the water on, and hop in. I hum along to a tune, and wash my hair.


"Shit." I say under my breath. I open the bathroom door, and peek my head out. "Toby?" I call, unsure. "Yeah?" He calls back. "Could you um, grab me a towel?" I ask, she he comes into view. His face turns all red. "They're in the cupboard there." I point to them. He pulls out a towel and passes it to me. I smile and close the door before drying my hair and braiding it. I then wrap the towel around me, and step out. I walk down to my room, and see there's an outfit set up. I smile and slip into the outfit. I head downstairs, and see Toby's sweater lying on the couch. I grab it and slip it over my head. Mmmm. Smells like him. 

I make my way over to the island and see a stack of chocolate-chip pancakes in the middle of the counter. I smile and sit down beside a waiting Toby. "You look nice." He says, elbowing me lightly in the side. "I really like your choice of sweater." He says with a wink, before grabbing a pancake for himself.

After we finished eating, we decided to sit and watch movies in my bedroom. My phone starts to ring, and Toby pauses the movie. "Hello?" I answer. "Hey it's Mel." "Hey Mel. What's up?" "Nothing much. I'm so bored. I was hoping we could do something!" "Sorry, I'm not feeling to well." I answer, and Toby rolls his eyes. I hit his shoulder playfully. "Jenna. Tell me the truth." "That is the truth Mel!" She sighs, and I hold the phone away from me ear. "Dude quit breathing in my ear." Mel laughs, and does it again. "How about the weekend?" She asks. "Sorry, I'm going to the cottage." I say. This time it wasn't a lie. I actually think I might go. "I'll come!" She says. "Mel it's like family stuff." "Then why isn't John going?" "It's just my aunt and me..." I say. "Tell me the fucking truth Jenna." I sigh. "I met this guy and were hanging out and I really don't want Jame to find out because he'll really hurt him." I said that all in one breath. Whoa. There was a pause. "Can I meet him?" She whispers. I look over at Toby. "She wants to meet you." Toby thinks about it for a second. "I guess..." "Ya. Come on over." I say. "YAY!" Mel squeals and hangs up the phone. "She'll be over in a little while." I say. Toby's about to press play again when the wind picks up, and you can hear the rain hitting the house. "SHIT! My windows are down!" He yells before running out of my room. I roll my eyes and follow him. I stand at the front door, and he's outside, ready getting soaked. "Well are you coming out or what?" He asks. I sigh, and run out. "You're windows are up..." I notice, looking at his car. He places his hand on the side of my chin, and turns it for me to look at him. "I know." He says, looking into my eyes. "Then why did you make me come out here?" I ask. "So I could do this." He says, leaning in closer. His eyes close, and I slowly close mine, and lean forward. I can feel his breath on my lips, my heart pounding in my chest.

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