Chapter 3: Nightmare

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"Hey guys!" I yell as I walk into the club. "Hey babe." Jame says as he walks up to me. He kisses my lips forcefully. I try not to pull back. When we/he finishes kissing he wraps his arm around me. "Could have sworn I did worse." He whispers in my ear. I cringe at the feel of his breath. "Oh my god! I thought you wouldn't show up!" I hear Mel exclaim. We all turn and face the door. "Why wouldn't she?" Jame's asks. "When I called her this morning she sounded like she was really sick. It was a good thing you were there to take care of her though." Mel says with a wink.

The club doors open and in comes all the people. Jame's takes my arm and pulls me to the back of the bar. "Who the hell was with you?!" He yells. "Who saw you?!" He screams, digging his nails into me. "No one! I swear!" I exclaim, trying not to show how much pain i was in. "Then why does she think I was with you?!" He screams. "So she think's your a nice guy!" I scream ripping my arm out of his grasp, and at the same time causing his nails to run down my arm. I look at my arm and bite my lip. It was bleeding. "Aw poor little Jenna." Jame says while rolling his eyes. "Leave me alone." I say turning to leave. "Before you go, you should know we have another double date for lunch tomorrow." Jame says. I stick my finger in the air and leave the bar. 

* * *

"I thought you guys broke up!" Toby exclaims. I shrug and fall on my bed. "I thought so too." I answer. Toby sits beside me. "Do you think you'll be ok tonight?" He asks. I look at my arm. Toby helped me wrap it up. "Not sure." I head over to the bathroom and pick up a face cloth. "Toby could you help me?" I ask, wetting the face cloth. I hear Toby shuffle into the bathroom. He takes the cloth from me and begins to wipe my face. I smile as he kisses my closed eyelids. "There we go." He says taking the cloth off my face. I open my eyes, and notice Toby's blue eyes for the first time. "You have blue eyes." I breath out. I look him over. Brown hair, spiky but not childish. Nice biceps. His shirt was tight enough I could make out the traces of a six-pack. My eyes freeze. Holy shit. I'm not going to go into detail, but let's just say lil' Toby was excited. And "lil' Toby" isn't actually...little. "Like what you see?" Toby asks. I bring my attention back to his face, and feel myself blush. I look at his lips. Whoa. They look so soft I could just- 

Snap out of it! 

"Are you sure you don't want me to spend the night?" Toby asks. Yes. Yes I do. Sleep beside me, wrap your arms around me. Kiss my forehead. "No, it's okay." I lie. I don't think he noticed though, because he lets me walk him to the door. "Just call if you need me. And don't answer the door unless you get a text from me. Okay?" I nod. Toby kisses my forehead, and gives me a hug goodbye.

Holy shit he smells nice. "Bye Jen." Toby says with a wink. I close the door and head to my room. I quickly change into some sweats and a tank. I flop down on my bed. 

Am I falling for Toby? I mean, he's cute, and super nice, but I couldn't possibly fall for him. I can see it in his eyes that he doesn't think of me like that. If anything just a little sister. ...but when I saw lil' Toby...

I slap myself in the face. "You can NOT like Toby." I say. "And if Jame found out about him, he'd be dead." I take a deep breath, and get under my covers. I turn off my bedside lamp, and close me eyes.

I hear a knock on the door, followed by a text. I don't bother to check it, and head down stairs. I open the door and see Jame. "Back again." He says. My feel my whole body get cold. "JENNA!" I hear Toby yell. Jame turns around, and sees Toby. "Oh, who's this?" He asks. "Leave her alone!" Toby exclaims, coming closer. "Go away you dick." Jame says. "Toby..." I whisper. Jame comes closer to me, and Toby taps Jame on the shoulder. Jame turns around and Toby punches him right in the face. "TOBY!" I scream. "Uh oh. You shouldn't have done that." Jame says. I feel the tears well up in my eyes, and Jame gets closer to Toby. I watch in fear, and they start fighting. Jame gets the upperhand, and soon has Toby pinned on the ground. As horror fills my body, I watch Jame beat Toby to a pulp. "JAME STOP!" I yell, running for Toby. "Go away bitch." Jame says, slapping me in the face. I look beside me and see the kitchen. I open the drawer closest to me and pull out a knife. I crawl behind Jame. He turns and sees me, just as I slash the knife across his cheek. Jame wipes the blood away and stands up. "You really think you're stronger than me?" He asks, almost laughing. Jame reaches for my knife, and I fight to keep it. He wins, and I fall on my back. "Poor little Jenna. Thinking she could save little ol' Toby." I slowly back up on the ground and Jame gets closer to me. I see behind Jame, Toby getting up. I guess the fear showed, because Jame turns around and in one swift movement, stabs the knife deep into Toby's chest. "TOBY!" I scream.

My eyes pop right open. "TOBY!" I yell. I look around me, and see I'm still in my room. It was just a dream. I try to calm my breathing, and I wipe the sweat off my face. I pick up my phone and text Toby.

Me: changed my mind. Come over now

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