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I have one question, why do people walk slow? I mean you might not have anywhere to go and that's fine, but I do and you need to hurry up.

If you read my Tagged chapter then you know I'm shorter than most people. I swear to you I walk faster than people taller than me at my school.

It gets me so mad when I need to get to my next class quickly and people in front of me decide, "Oh this girl needs to get to her class! Better walk slower."

I hate couples the most. Every couple I walk behind, walk soooooo slow. In my head I'm all like, "YOU'RE WALKING SO SLOW!" Or when they decide to stop in the middle of the hallway and kiss each other.

It's like, "That's great you have someone to love! Good for you, now move!" I can tell right now I'm going to be single through my high school career.

When a group of guys walk together, they walk so slow. There is this group of guys I always get stuck behind on my way to my first class. IT ANNOYS ME SO MUCH! What's even worse is that I'm a lot shorter than them and o walk faster than them.

Every time I stop at my locker between classes and I need to hurry, there is always that one person that walks like they want you to be late.

I should stop while I'm ahead, anyway comment down below of any of this ever happens to you! I know it happens to you CDbutter

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