Ch. 9 How could he do that? To her? He loved her.

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  • Dedicated to Take that. I made you look bad on the internet you meanie....To: "William"

I lied... well not really. I made a status about not updating be cause I went through a bad break up, which as much as  I wish with all my heart that it was, is in fact not a lie. I did however...change my mind about updating, I'm going to focus on other stuffs to get my mind off of it. And this is one of those stuffs. Oh and that song over there, listen to it :D It's a freaking amazing song

Ch. 9 How could he do that? To her? He loved her.

"You ready?" I heard Nathan call from somewhere.


I was so ready to beat him again, I don't care if he said he wasn't going easy. He seemed to be going all out last time. I still had the upper hand. I grew little branches in a dome like shape around me in the tall tree I was sitting on. 

<Aww now now Amey, why don't you want me to see that beautiful face of yours?>

{Haha, you know why. I've gotta keep cover if  want to win this. Hmm, why are you using this angle of attack}

<It said you were going to have to fight your love lost. It could be me, it could be the other one, heck it could even be Jacobb, but you need to be ready. This seems like something Jacobb would pull to distract you.>

{You really have thought this through haven't you?}

<All the time. Anything to keep you safe.>

"Hey there, beautiful" I heard behind me

I shrieked and fell from the tree landing on my butt in a patch of soft grass. It's a good thing I wasn't to far up.

"Not fair Nathan!" I yelled up towards him. He was no longer there. 

Oops broke rule number one. Got distracted. Oh, I gotta get out of here. 

I caused the air to shimmer around me and transformed myself into something unseen, something I still didn't understand. I also teleported myself the heck out of there. 

<We should practice sword to sword combat.>

{Find me first} I thought with a visible smirk on my face

"Already have" He said right in my ear

I shrieked again...

"How do you do that?" I asked with curiosity obvious

"Magic" He laughed.. I rolled my eyes

"No, you need to tell me how" I said sticking my tongue out at him

"I can pinpoint the location of people through their thoughts and then teleport to where they are." He said in that bored tone of his.

"That's so cool!" I exclaimed and started  jumping up and down, then continued "Okay, sword to sword?"

"Yeah we have wooden training swords, over here." He said motioning for me to follow him

We got to a little..okay huge shed and got two wooden swords. 

"No elements" Well that took me off guard... "Oh and no powers"

"What!? I soooo get to use my powers!" I was sooo gonna use my powers

"No, you might not always have them and I want you to be ready" He said in a voice I just would be stupid not to listen to

"Fine..................You can't either" I said finally agreeing 

"Nope" He said popping the P "I can, because you never know what you're opponent will have against you"

Ugh...I don't like this 

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