The Most Electrifying Revelation of All Time

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Hello, Wattpad nation.  This is my first time writing a Wattpad story so any type of critisism is good of course. If anyone read the first chapter of The Nephew of The Great One well this is exactly what this is. I jus was in a hurry to this so I forced it onto the site, looked at it again, was disgusted with it and deleted it. Hopefully this is better. Enjoy and see you at the bottom of a near future chapter. Side Note: This is a fiction story .


I wake up from my nap to the sound of Gold Medal (Kurt Angle's current entrance theme) blaring at my left ear as my phone is ringing. It was my father calling me from his office at the City Hall of Forsyth. I come to quickly and then answer my phone.

"Hello" I answered sleepily

"Hey son, come up to the office soon will ya?" Dad asks urgently

"Ya, sure Pops, no problem. Be there in about 5 to 10 minutes." I said worried a bit then hung up.

I slid off of my bed, slid on my recently bought all-black Adidas, then pulled up the floorboard in my room and grabbed the Mark XIX Aluminum Desert Eagle that my dad bought me for my 20th birthday to go hunting with, and for self-protection. The gun went into the chest holster I bought for it. 

Soon I was out of the house, into my Dodge Challenger and out onto the newly crime infested streets of Forsyth. I was hoping that nothing out of the norm had occured in his time at the office.

I pulled up to the only parking space I could find on The Square and practically ran up to the Hall's entrance. Placing my left-hand onto my handgun, I prayed that I wouldn't need to use it.

I walked into the City Hall, and gave the Hall's employees my greetings and graces. After that I walked straight to the door that read 'Mayor's Office' and decided to walk right on into Dad's office.

"Pops, is everything okay?" I asked

"Yes, everything is okay. Great even, some might say." He quoted the unknown.

"Stop letting him watch these stupid movies", I thought annoyed with him.

"Son. I have news for you.", Dad told me, "Your uncle has come to see you? Do you want to meet him?", He asked. 

"Yeah, sure, no problem." I told him honestly feeling funny at the moment.

"Well then, DJ, turn around and meet him." Dad told the unidentified man.

Suddenly a man in a leather jacket, 'Team Bring It Boots To Asses'  shirt, and black jeans turned to face me, smiled, and spoke.

"Lil' John, it truly has been a long time. Nice to FINALLY meet you." The man greeted me, but all I could do was fall back and look amazed. 

The Great One had finally came into my life.

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