The Start

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I get the feeling that I lost each and every person that read this story. I'm sorry for the long absense. Just for a in this universe recap Randy Orton and Punk have become friends and mentors. Orton helps me with my hypermobility issues. The rest will be explained throughout the next chapters or so. WWE production has aired vignettes promoting my character as "Fourth-Generation Superstar" so they know who I am. Just a side note: The only other 4 gens I know of is Shane and Stephanie McMahon.


Sitting in the locker room I share with CM Punk, thinking to myself,

"It all starts tonight, on a house show. My career. Make it count"

"John, you ready man we go on in five minutes", Punk says to me.

"Bit nervous. Other than that I'm good."

"Don't worry about it man. It's a tag match, in front of about roughly 4,000 people. You and me against John Boy, and Daniel. If you weren't ready for the big time Vince wouldn't have put you with the three of us to begin with. The Rock's nephew or not.", And with those words my confidence sky rockets.

"OK then. Let's do it", I say and with that we on our way out of the locker room following backstage personnel to the Gorilla where Vince meets us,

"Hey John. How ya feeling?', He asks

"Great for the most part but uh, I thought you only come to house shows for something important?", I ask curiously.

"This house show is important. Why is it important? You're important son. Now get out there and make feel like I made a good investment."

"Punk, Howard, it's time let's go!", Shouts Jack Delaney.

"Let's Do It!", I say to Punk.

The static blares over the PA system and, suddenly 'Cult of Personality' is exciting the crowd as Punk, and I walk through the curtain.

The crowd is wild as the two of us hit the stage, most of the cheers for Punk but that's OK. We walk down the ramp and get in the ring as he does his signature pose and I get on the second rope in a "Rock stance" but instead of throwing one arm up, I put up Miami's "The U" sign.

As soon as I and Punk are done with the theatrics, we survey the crowd, and surprisingly there are a lot of 'Boots 2 Asses' shirts in this crowd.

"Looks like we know who this crowd loves huh?", Punk says to me laughing

Daniel Bryan is out next and we can clearly understand that this crowd is too much for him Out after him is John Cena who as always brings the expected crowd reaction with the little children chanting, "Lets Go Cena!", and the grown men shouting, "Cena sucks!"

Punk, and I decide that I will start the match for our team, and Cena and Bryan decide that Cena will start for their team. Mike Chioda is the referee for this match and as he signals for the bell to ring, Cena walks toward me. Not one to shy away I go to meet him in the ring's center, and after about a minute long stare down Cena slaps me across the face, at which point he and I go into an intense slug fest with him gaining the upper hand. Cena whips me to ropes and to which I run back at him to get back body dropped. He dives on me for the quick pin, and I kicked out at two. I got up and squared up with Cena, and when he slapped me.

Enraged, I jumped on him raining down lefts and rights until Chioda pulled me off and threatened to disqualify Punk, and I for my excessive closed fists. I got up, and kicked Cena in his back then went to tag Punk into the match. Leaning on the apron watching Punk pose before going on the attack was rather amusing. Punk went to pick Cena up when he sprang to life giving CM Punk the most spontaneous finish

I'd ever witnessed. With both men down, Bryan and I began to call to our respective partners in for the hot tag. Cena got to Bryan, and a second later Punk's hand had barely grazed mine as I springboarded into the ring clotheslining Bryan as he ran into my corner. I went for the quick pin but got nothing. Daniel was on his knees when I started mimic one of his own signatures repeatedly kicking him in his chest. Going for the last kick in the temple, his arms met my leg halfway tripping me into the No! Lock. With more experience he was easily able to lock it in, and right as I was about to submit to the pain Punk came in with a powerful kick to the head. Cena ran in right after Punk Cactus Clotheslining them both over the ropes. Getting my wits about myself I quickly took advantage of Punk's kick diving on Bryan's still frame. Hooking both legs I heard three slaps to the mat, and a bell right afterwards. I'd won the first match of my professional career.

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