Chapter ten

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~ Hi! please tell me what you guys think as I would love to know also a few songs helped me write this chapter: 

Rise by Katy Perry

Gangsta by Kehlani

Drowning by Banks

'Finding out more about myself is quite interesting as they keep calling me Illusionist when really i'm only doing magic tricks that I learned when I was twelve. Also Avi has been getting closer to me which I don't mind but when I first arrived he hated me but now he likes me?
Why are emotions and feelings so complicated? I am trying to wrap my head around their whole history and powers also there is this bad guy? Thought that only happens in movies but guess not.'

Sasha closed her note book as she made her way into the dining room to find Kevin swamped in books and papers, clearing her throat Sasha walked into the room.

"Hey Kevin"

"Morning Sasha."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure anything you want"

"Why are you doing paper work all the time...sorry I know it's rude-"

"No it's ok...well someone needs to keep on top of bills and things also I do a lot of high council work for the mystic people as my father is one of the high judges"

"Oh well that must be annoying to do all the work"

"Yea it does being a royal doesn't come easy we still have to work sadly" Kevin groaned as he stretched.

"Why don't the other guy's do the same work?"

"Even though they are royals their parents don't have a high chair ranking in the councils eyes but they are still high ranking and what Cassius would do to have one of our spots"

"Will I ever meet this Cassius guy?"

"God I hope not but if you do be careful he likes to play games...gamble a bit" Kevin explained as Sasha listened to every word nodding.

As the day slowly progressed on Sasha went to take a walk around the grounds, but instead of walking around the large field she took a walk down the long driveway, leaving a small dust trail behind her. She stopped at the sign that she saw when she first came to the house.

In her own world she didn't notice the car pulling up beside her, a middle aged man was in the car he had sunglasses on as he rolled down the window.

"Hello I was wondering if you could help me?" Sasha eyed the man closely before replying,

"Yea sure what do you need?"

The man gave her a warm smile before his face turned to a serious tone.
"You" he said as two other guys appeared from nowhere quickly grabbing Sasha and placing a cloth to her mouth, she struggled as the men quickly threw her in the back of the van quickly driving off.

Meanwhile back at the house Avi was trying to find where Sasha was he looked everywhere but couldn't find her, "Kev do you know where Sasha is?" as Kevin looked up from his work.

"No I don't sorry..well last time I saw her she went for a walk try outside she might be near the pond"

"Alright thanks"

Avi walked outside standing on the porch scanning the fields for any sign of her, he walked down the steps and proceeded to walk down the drive as he was walking he saw footprints in the dust, following them they stopped a few meters from the road as he saw tire tracks and what looked to be a load of messed up footprints.

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