Chapter eleven

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~ here is a short one ~ 

The group set off that night to try and track down where Sasha went, they all wore black to help blend with the night life.

Keeping their heads down,as they passed through the town making minimal contact with the people, they walked until they was out of sight of any townspeople.

"Are you sure you know where it is?" Mitch asked as he held Scott's hand to keep up with the others, as Avi pulled his beanie down more as he continued to walk ignoring all words that was said to him, he was acting like a sniffer dog on a mission.

"I don't think we are gonna get anything out of him until he finds Sasha" Kevin said as he zipped up his jacket more before checking his surroundings,

"Yea well if he wasn't so in his head about her we probably could've saved her and this wouldn't be a problem" Kirstin said as she gave a glare to the back of Avi's head and crossing her arms over her chest.

Kevin gave Kirstin a sympathetic smile as he patted her shoulder, they have been walking for a while now the well paved roads and any form of living was now left behind as they now proceeded into the more sketchy areas of mystic folk.

They stopped outside of a old office building there was two large men standing outside of the door, Avi gave them the letter as they let the group through, walking into the reception area there was a desk, a few chairs around the room along with a corridor to the side of them.

An older woman was sitting at the desk as she was typing away on the computer, her silver hair wrapped tightly into a bun showing off her pointy ears that was decorated with gold earrings that hung down lightly tapping her neck as she moved, her dark green cardigan covered her body.

"Can I help you?" the older woman asked as she stopped to look over at the five, Avi was the first one to step forward,

"Yes I was given this letter-"
"I know and he will see you now" the lady stopped Avi in mid sentence as she got up from her chair showing her small height as she walked down the corridor, gesturing for them to follow.

They walked into a meeting room, with the long table and many chairs surrounding it the group took a hesitant seat as the lady closed the door.

"This seems oddly too easy" Mitch said as he began to walk around the room as everyone felt on edge, a well lit room that was clean and fully stocked with furniture as they waited for a mysterious man.

With a few moments of silence the door began to open, in a shock all five of them turned their eyes black ready to use their powers, when revealed the man held up his hands in surrender.

"Woah! Guys chill i'm unarmed..please sit" he said as he took a seat at the end of the table, gesturing for the others to do the same.

They sat, "where is she" Avi said his eyes never leaving the man's, as the man simply smiled.

"I'm sorry who?"

"Sasha where is she" Avi asked again as the man shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm unaware of this girl" he smirked,

"YOU ARE THE ONE WHO SENT ME THIS LETTER STOP PLAYING GAMES" Avi shouted as the man's face fell picking up the letter Avi had thrown at him, he quickly scanned it as his disguise fell.

The body flaked away to reveal a muscular man with dark eyes and hair, in a tight black shirt rolled at the sleeves to his elbows, wearing matching black pants. His hair slicked back to make his features more sharp.

He smiled as he raised a hand that sent an invisible force to hold down all the five, he walked around the table to get a better look at the others.

"My my...the little covenant five how you have grown up into fine men oh and of course woman, or should I say women because your little friend is also apart of it isn't she" he said as his gaze switched from each person.

"She's nothing, not apart of the covenant her family is not pure blood of the mystic people" Kevin said as the man circled them like prey,

"Maybe so...but I sense some feelings for the girl oh let's see" he said his eyes scanning over the men, "Scott not you..and definitely not Mitch hmm Kevin NO! Oh look at this...quiet little Avirel has himself a little crush...this is classic I watched you all those years all those girls you broke their hearts as you stood heartless at their pleading cries for you to take them back."

The man walked over to Avi leaning in close to his face and whispering "but why her? What did she have that the others didn't"

Avi was silent as he watched him try and taunt him, "you always were a sneaky shit Cass" Avi spoke,

"Ah he has a voice" Cassius spoke as he walked back around to look at the five faces, "Watching all you grow has been a journey and now watching you potentially take over the high covenant from your parents is another big milestone for all of you"

"Where is she Cass I'm bored, can't we take her and we give you something in return and we go our separate ways" Mitch said as he rolled his eyes.

"What are you offering Mitchell?" Cassius said as he walked over to him, Mitch's face was unmoving and emotionless as he replied.

"Well you give us Sasha and we give you money"

"I have enough money Mitchell but my question to you guys are what were you going to do with her? "

"We are not falling for it" Avi spoke as Cassius turned his head,
"For what Avi?"

"We are not telling you our plan because you will turn it against us"

"Oh such smart children you are...I will make a deal with you, I take lovely Kirstin here with me to see Sasha as you four will go home and wait for their arrival"

"No" Avi voiced,

"No? Well I can ensure you that Sasha is in good hands I have not harmed a little hair on her head..true to my word and I will take Kirstin here to prove it" Cassius said as he only let Kirstin go, roughly grabbing her under the arm he led her out of the room leaving the others.

"Hey! Let go! You pig," Kirstin shouted as Cassius threw her into one of the spare rooms locking it. As he made his way back to the room.

"Now boys lets play a game."

"What is this place?" Sasha asked the large bald man as he did not reply to her, she sat back in her chair folding her arms over her chest.

"So what can I do?"

"Nothing" the man replied as he gave an annoyed sigh, Sasha leaned more forward in her seat,

"I hate to be a bother but I really need the bathroom" the man rolled his eyes as he walked over to her handcuffing her hands together as they proceeded out of the room.

Sasha went to walk through the door when the man followed her "excuse me? This is the little girls room"


"So last time I checked you are a guy...look i'm not gonna try and escape just trust me."

The man eased up as he let Sasha go into the room, she came back out just as she asked as they made their way back to the room.

When they made it back into the room Cassius was sitting on the table with a smirk to his face, "welcome back little one now I have been to see your friends and I brought one back for you"

"I'm not falling for it, they warned me about you"

"Oh so I'm guessing you don't want to see Kirstin then?" he teased as Sasha's face dropped when she saw Kirstin be pulled out from a separate room, tired just like herself.

"Kirstin? What are you doing here" Sasha said as Cassius answered for her,

"She's came to keep you company for a while sweet" he said as he caressed Sasha's cheek leaning in closely to her ear "and we all are going to have some fun." 

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