Chapter six - An unexpected confrontation with the boy dressed in black

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I'm so incredibly bored the next day when we walk through the Leaky cauldron that the only thing passing through my mind is shoes. Wearing shoes for the first time in ages feels odd. The way the thick fabric suffocates my feet and makes it impossible for me to move my toes is one of the most uncomfortable things I can think of. And don't get me started on the heat...

You see, I consider shoes to be one of the most unnecessary inventions ever created to put on this earth. Sure, it's important during winters and blah blah blah but when it's summer and it's hot, I really don't see the point of it.

I'm walking last in line (surprise!), right behind Hagrid, the gamekeeper of Hogwarts.

Apparently Harry Potter needs top security to walk anywhere these days, and therefor we got to travel in one of the Ministry of Magic's cars. We were also supposed to have an auror following us for the whole day spent in Diagon Alley, but ridiculously enough, someone decided that Hagrid would be enough. And that's how I find myself behind the half giant, unnoticeable to anyone, with shoes being the most exciting thing to think about.

We walk through the bar, me being pushed into everything thanks to Hagrid's careless steps and turns. Does he even see me? It sure doesn't seem like it.

It takes a while for all of us to get through the brick wall, but once through we are met by a surprise. The Diagon Alley has had a change for the worse.

The street that is usually filled with people is now empty and the stores are closed up and have a definite a lack of color. The only thing you can spot on the walls and windows are posters from the Ministry of Magic, all of them covered in faces from escaped prisoners from Azkaban. Could Lucius Malfoy be one of them?

I walk quietly behind Hagrid, Harry, Hermione and the rest of the Weasley family and try to stay out of the way. I sort of just want to get out of here as fast as possible.

"Molly, it doesn't make sense for all of us to go to Madam Malkin's," says Arthur and turns to Molly. "Why don't those three"- he points in the direction of Harry, Ronald and Hermione, "go with Hagrid, and we" -he refers to himself, Molly and Ginny, "can go to Flourish and Blotts and get everyone's school books?"

Molly nods in agreement and Harry, Hermione and Ronald hurries away with Hagrid towards Madam Malkin's while Molly, Ginny and Arthur goes in the other direction, leaving me standing on the cobblestone by myself. I do need to get new robes... But school books goes first. I start walking behind my parents and sister, not bothering to catch up with them.


I lose my family in the book shop, not really caring that much. I just need to find "A guide to Advanced Transfiguration" and another book with the same title, it just ends with Potions instead of Transfiguration and then I can leave and escape my family.

My eyes spy on the book shelves, reading the book spines in a high speed. "Hogwarts History", "Brooms in the 1900's", "Why you shouldn't spend time with Vampires"...

I touch the books lightly with my fingertip and hum quietly for myself. Anything to pass the time...

After walking down several aisles, my eyes spot the familiar words and my fingertips pull down the book for Transfiguration for me to carry against my chest. I might as well buy a few others, I do have the time. And I got nothing better to do...

I decide to look for another book on my list, knowing that I can find it in the castle, but it's always nice to own the book instead of lending one. I start to search again, a little slower and a little lazier than before, when someone calls my name.

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