Yuri Plisetsky {pair skate}

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Inspired by- WillowAvenue_0

You couldn't stand it.

You were annoyed at early morning practices, Yakov's yelling, Viktor's forgetfulness, a lot of things manage to tick you off.

But you their was a person who pissed you of the most.


You were friends with pretty much everyone, you were pretty easy going, nice, and you always smiled

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You were friends with pretty much everyone, you were pretty easy going, nice, and you always smiled... but not with him.

You have trillions of nerves in your body and this boy managed to get on every last one.

He was an asshole to you and you would retaliate. He would make fun of you and you would make fun of him. If wasn't the flirty type of teasing. If given the opportunity the two of you would probably kill each other.

Luckily, you managed to avoid the bastard at practice, that is until today.

"(y/n)! Yuri! The two of you are partners for pair skating!" barked Yakov at practice.



You and Yuri began to protest. This was the one time the two of you have ever agreed on anything.

"No buts! Your routine needs to be performance ready by the by the end of next month!" yelled Yakov, successfully shutting the two of you up.

After a month of arguing and fighting, you and Yuri began to get along. The two of you were more compatible than any one would've previously thought. You even began to develop feelings for the boy and he quite possibly began to develop feelings for you.

Then came the night of your performance. It was the first time either of you would skate in pairs in front of a large audience. You were nervous.

Your breath hitched as the music began to play. Yuri's hand intertwined with yours and he gave your hand a reassuring squeeze. Then you began to skate.

Yuri would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it. When skating with you he felt so free. It wasn't like when he was skating individually, there was less competition and more enjoyment.

You smiled in gratitude and placed your free hand on his shoulder. His arm wrapped around your waist, letting your do down. You arched your back, letting your hands come above your head. He couldn't help but give you a soft smile while pulling you back up.

You placed a firm hand on his chest, spinning away from him. His smirk grew as he followed you.

Yakov said that the dance was about two lovers. Tease each other, he had told the both of you. That's exactly what you did. And believe it or not, it frustrated Yuri.

In the middle of a twirl, he grasped your wrist and hauled you towards him. His hand drifted to the back of your thigh. You were sure to lightly push off the ice as he lifted you into the air.

He lifted you into the air and began to twirl slowly. Giving his shoulder a light squeeze of warning, you flipped yourself over his shoulder, his arms safely guiding you towards the ice. Once your skates made contact with the ice, you spun out of his grasp once again.

After countless spins and jumps, you were in his arms again, your fingers sliding up into his beautiful hair as your forehead pressed against his. Yuri's arms held onto your waist, your gazes never wavering off each other.

There was a sudden roar of applause, making your faces light up with the happiest expressions. You turned to the side, squinting in order to block out the blinding spotlights. A standing ovation? This was your first standing ovation, you were ecstatic.

He laced your fingers with his. You smiled even more, and you gave his hand a light squeeze which he returned. He raised your hands up in the air, only to come back down in a bow. Various types of flowers were thrown into the ice. You picked up a single red rose and grinned. You turned, tucking it into Yuri's hair. He rolled his eyes, but didn't bother to take it out.

You couldn't help but smile. You felt like your cheeks were going to split from all the smiling but you couldn't stop. When you turned to face Yuri, he was looking at you with a small smile on his face. He leaned down and gave you a soft kiss on the forehead.

The crowd went wild.

I watched like 3 hours worth of skating videos for this.


next up-
Phichit Chulunont

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