Yuri Plisetsky {Pads pt2}

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Requested by Poptarts4President

This can be read as a stand alone or a continuation of Yuri Plisetsky {Pads}

WARNING: contains swearing (but nothing you tough cookies can't handle (・ω<)☆)

You lay in bed. Crying. Why were you crying? Your uterus decided that you were not suffering enough and tied itself into a pretzel, at least that's what it felt like. Many of your female friends claimed they didn't suffer from long and heavy periods accompanied by cramps or headaches and were instead blessed with short pain-free menstrual cycles. Somehow you had gotten the short end of the stick.

Currently, you waited for your boyfriend to bring you some pads. You were huddled in bed wearing your favourite hoodie (it was actually his but you wore it more than him.) The hoodies sleeves went past your fingertips and if you curled into a ball you could squeeze your legs into the hoodie. It was like a wearable hug. Warm and cozy.

As you waited, the warmth of your blankets and the hoodie lulled you to sleep. You were struck with incoherence. Your thoughts, as clear and concise as they were moments before, were mashing together into a blur. They tears that had previously been streaming down your face had dried onto your cheeks. Soon you were in a world that was entirely your own.

When Yuri entered your house and got no reply he couldn't push down a feeling of anxiety. Normally you would greet him, or at least yell a quick greeting from another room. He called out your name but got no response. He checked all the rooms. All the lights were off. He didn't find you in the mess you called a bedroom, just a mountain of blankets and plush toys. Nor did he find you in any of the other rooms. Did you leave without telling him? Your parents were at work. Was it possible that they took you with them? What if you were still at the library? He paced about your living room trying to figure out what had happened to you. In the end, he pulled out his phone and dialled your number. After several agonizingly slow seconds, he heard your ringtone. He followed the sound into your bedroom. It was coming from under the mountain of blankets. He ripped off the blankets to find you, half awake and staring at your phone blankly.

"WHAT THE HELL!" he screamed, nostrils flared and mouth quivering, "YOU SCARED ME TO DEATH WHY DIDN'T YOU REPLY WHEN I CALLED YOU?"

You were taken aback by Yuri's yelling. He was so angry. His face was contorted with rage, his chest was heaving, and his fist was clenched around a plastic bag. Your emotions got the better of you and your eyes watered.

"I'm sorry," you whispered as you wiped your tears, "I didn't hear y-"

You were cut off by Yuri thrusting the plastic bag into your hands. Inside it were your pads.

"fucking take them," seethed Yuri, "I'm never buying those again. Do you know embarrassing it is?"

This comment make your blood boil, "Don't make me laugh," you spat, "It's embarrassing for you? Everyone knows they're not for you! But when I go buy pads everyone knows THIS POOR GIRL IS BLEEDING OUT OF HER UTERUS!"

"I'm the ICE TIGER OF RUSSIA!" retaliated Yuri, "I can't be seen buying feminine hygiene products!"

At this point you were livid and Yuri knew he had crossed the line. You stood up and grabbed the front of his shirt. With a menacing glare, you said, "I started my day in a puddle of my own blood. Is that how you want to end yours?"

Yuri's mouth opened but no words came out. Normally you were so kind and adorable. Definitely not the type to make death threats. Seeming satisfied with your work, you let go of his shirt and grabbed your pads.

"I'm going to the washroom," you said with a small smile. As you walked away Yuri sat on your bed in shock. You had been crying, dishing out death threats, and then returned to your cheerful self within a matter of minutes. Was this normal? Should he call a doctor? Even Viktor couldn't have mood swings that extreme. How could you have so much emotion pent up within you? If he were even half as emotional he would explode.

When you returned from the washroom you saw Yuri sitting on your bed with his head in his hands. His hair draped over his face so you couldn't see his expression. Curiously you pushed his bangs back so you could see his face. He looked calm.

"Yuri?" you questioned, "Are you okay?"

He opened his eyes and sat up straight. His hand found yours and intertwined your fingers, placing a gentle kiss on the back of your hand.

"I'm fine," he said quietly, "why do you ask?"

"Normally you're a lot, um," you said as you tried to string together the right words, "Well, normally you are a lot angrier."

Yuri just smiled and said, "I'm sorry for yelling at you."

"And?" you continued for him.

"And for being a jerk?" he continued hesitantly.

"I forgive you," you grinned. Yuri seemed to let out a sigh of relief. "But," you continued, "Only if you cuddle with me."

You could see Yuri's eyebrow rise in amusement. He had not expected such a request. He didn't have any complaints though. If his lover wanted cuddles, who was he to deny them?

Yuri smiled and opened his arms, inviting you to climb in. You wrapped your arms around his neck and his arms around themselves around your waist.

The two of you were perfectly content, laying in a comfortable silence and in each other's embrace. The silence was broken by Yuri's groan, "Your hair is in my face."

To that, you replied, "Stop being a little bitch and let me sleep."

Hope all of y'all have a great day! Don't forget to drink water, take your meds, etc

Published 7/5/17

Next up-

Yuuri x reader x Viktor

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