15 - Be Brave and Protect

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Some years went by and although Yukorite told Natomi that the clan could not help him find out what happened to his clan, or Tsume, he was free to gather any information that he wanted on his own time when they were not on missions and things. The information he gathered had disturbed him greatly and he was still trying to convince Yukorite to help him find out what happened to his people. Not only that, but Takuma and Satuya were never on the same level of love like they were before. Takuma stayed with Satuya while he recovered but when he finally did, he had a great fear for Takuma that hurt him to his soul. It had taken him three years to build up a love and trust with Tsume's child and now he hated him, feared him, and ran away from him. Even after some years, it still took Satuya a time to feel comfortable around Takuma.


"T... T- Taku?" Satuya said softly from behind Takuma one day.
Takuma turned at the small sound and was surprised to find the boy even three feet next to him. He had been preparing dirt to plant flowers along the edge of the Benitone home since there had been a shortage of missions as of late.
"Satuya... What brings you here?"
"Um... Obaa-san said that you might need help with the flowers." He said, looking away. "She said I should help you."
Takuma looked at where he had started from that morning to where he was now and he really hadn't gotten that far. Even though he was a ninja, he was a servant first and the Benitone home was almost as huge as the village was. Chekome had decided she wanted to brighten the house up with some flowers planted along the walls but she still didn't know what flowers she wanted so Takuma was still getting the edges cleared.
"Do you want to help me? You don't look too convinced."
"I... I just don't wanna make you mad..."
Takuma looked away at him still remembering that time. It had been almost five years ago and he was still keeping that horrible memory in the forefront of his little thoughts. It pained Takuma and he knew that if Tsume were here, he would have kicked his ass ten times over.
"You won't make me mad, Satuya." He stood up and walked toward the stairs. Satuya immediately flinched when Takuma passed by but he went to the stairs and sat down, motioning for Satuya to sit beside him. "Please sit down. I have to talk to you about something."
Satuya reluctantly sat next to him and Takuma wiped his brow from sweat.
"I know you're afraid of me and for what happened so long ago, you should be. But that wasn't me who hurt you, I was under the control of that horrible sword that's encased in glass in the shinobi hall. Do you know the one I'm talking about?" Satuya nodded. "It's a cursed sword that shouldn't be touched barehanded, but when we retrieved it, we didn't know about that. The person who had hired us didn't give us a lot of options when we went to get it. I accidentally touched it and it made me the way I was that night. I'm sorry that I hurt you not only on the outside, but I hurt your trust."
Satuya thought about it for a moment as Takuma watched him for a second. Satuya then looked up at Takuma and suddenly began to cry, jumping into his arms. Takuma was little confused until he saw him glowing slightly, but had been working on his emotions and he didn't do anything.
"What's wrong, Satuya?" he asked softly.
"Something's wrong with me and I'm scared! I don't want to tell Papa or Oba-san or Oji-san!"
"Why are you afraid to tell them? They will understand."
"Papa is gone all the time and Oba-san and Oji-san don't like to talk about it. They act like it's not there."
"I see. Have you tried to talk to Inoue?"
"She's been working with the doctor since Papa isn't here."
"I... I wanted to ask for your help but... but I didn't think you wanted to help me. You said you hated me and..."
"I don't hate you. I could never hate you." Takuma said, holding Satuya's body close for a hug. "The sword makes you do and say horrible things. I would never hurt you of my own accord."
Satuya nodded in Takuma's neck and then pulled back. At seeing his arms glowing he gasped, and stumbled backwards down the stairs. He looked truly frightened and Takuma got up, going to him and kneeling down, grabbing his hands.
"Don't be afraid. All you have to do is control it and everything will be alright. Does this happen only when you're scared or upset? Or any other time?"
"It just happens. What do I do, Taku?"
Takuma found the pendant he was hoping he had on and pulled it out.
"Do you know what this is?"
"It's the necklace you gave me."
"True, but it's even more special than that. Has Natomi ever told you about Tsume Benitone?"
"Tsume? No..."
"Well..." Takuma sighed. "Tsume was a very good person but was banished for taking something personal as priority over the clan. He was a dear friend of mine and he gave this to me before he left. Now I've given it to you. That being said, whenever you begin to glow or if you get scared, just hold this pendant in your hand like this." He said, taking Satuya's hand and putting the pendant in it. "Grasp it tight and say, 'I am a shinobi warrior. I know no fear.'. When you do that, you can clear your head of the fear and try to figure out the issue."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, fear is kind of like a foggy day. If you are on a path that you've been on a hundred times and the sky gets foggy, even though you know the path by heart, you still stop. Why? Because the fog doesn't show you the right way to go, even if it's a place you know. The fog could lead you off over a cliff, down a hill, into a river, who knows. Fear is the fog. When you get the fog out of the way, you'll be able to see what is going on better. So once the fear of the light gets out of the way, we can then focus on why you glow."
Satuya grinned in understanding and held the pendant in his hand.
"Thank you, Taku!"
"You're welcome. Did you still want to help me with the flowers?"
Takuma smiled and the bond they had started again.

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