Chapter Two

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I lay in my cell bleeding and cold, Satan had taken my clothes from me before he tortured me. My chains weren’t around my wrists at this point probably because Satan knew I was too weak, but he would send someone soon. I wondered if my humiliation would ever end, but I knew it couldn’t unless Satan was to kill me which he wouldn’t. “Here drink.” A warm voice advised and I knew his voice, but I couldn’t place it; I opened my eyes seeing the figure of a man crouched next to me, but any distinguishing features were hidden by the shadows, I couldn’t even see what hair colour he had. I tried my best to move so that I could take the water, but my body was torn and I couldn’t move it.

“Let me help you.” I nodded in answer so he kneeled down onto the bloody floor and carefully lifted me upright, but it didn’t stop the strangled cry that left me. I couldn’t help, but notice the warmth that spread through me where his fingers touched my skin. The cold metal of a chalice met my lips which parted to let the water flow into my mouth. I tried to see the man again, but his face was covered by shadow and my vision was blurring, I needed rest to recover from my wounds. “Remember your home the warmth of the sun bathing your skin. Think of it as you sleep.” The man’s warm voice instructed as he carefully lay me down and I let my eyes close carrying me away to another place far from here.

My head hurt so badly as I sat up in my bed gathering my memories. Blaze hit me, she actually hit me! I got up and stormed out of my room and into the large living room where I could hear voices talking. “Blaze I will so kill you for that!” I shouted then covered my mouth when I saw Gabriel, Michael, Duma, Blaze and Sheryl. “Hey I had to you were coming up with crazy ideas.” Blaze defended as I looked around at the angels sat in my living room. “Am I seeing things? Okay I need a glass of water one minute.” I turned walking into the kitchen where Clive was sat messing about with his phone. “You’re awake are you any better now?” Clive questioned not looking up from his phone. “I was fine in the first place so why she knocked me out I don’t know.” I said as I poured water into a pint glass. “You were going to clip your wings so she had to.” Clive explained as I sat down in front of him. “I was serious, still am besides now I think I’m seeing things.” I rubbed my eyes and drank the water whilst Clive stared at me.

“If you are referring to the angels in the living room then I’ll be happy to assure you that they’re real and allow me to offer an opinion on you becoming human…you’re insane!” Clive pulled me up from the table and dragged me into the living room. “Oh lord you guys really are here.” If I was human I probably would have fainted which would be extremely embarrassing instead I just feel sick. “Blaze she was serious and still is.” Clive told her so I punched him in the stomach. “Can’t trust you to ever keep your mouth shut can I?” I asked and he shook his head in answer whilst Blaze’s jaw was hanging off. “You still want to clip your wings?” Blaze asked gaining the attention of the other angels. “Yes it will hide me from Mandriel, besides what’s the point of me being an angel if I can’t go back to heaven! I want to go home, but if I can’t return then I may as well clip my wings.” I pointed out and Sheryl’s hand cracked across my face-where the heck did that come from?

“You’ve fallen a long way since we lost you.” Sheryl told me which made me angry. “Tell that to your beloved Highest!” I growled at her making her jump back in fright and shock. “You didn’t mean that Shayrield and you know it.” Gabriel said and I laughed bitterly. “Do I Gabriel because I’m pretty sure I meant it! All I know is the pain and hatred that has ruled me ever since I became that monster in Hell!” I didn’t realise, but the voice that I used was not my own it belonged to a creature that knew nothing, but darkness. “She meant it Gabriel and so would we if it had been us, but this is not why we are here.” Michael said so I looked at him in confusion, why were they here? “We came to give you something that will help you get to Mandriel.” Michael announced as Duma gave me a small trinket box. Inside the box was a Purple winding bracelet that I recognised as mine from many many years ago. “Where was this?” I asked so they all looked to Duma for an answer. “The highest keeps it with him to remind him that you were lost to us.” Duma answered in a rough voice that I’d never get used to no matter how much he spoke.

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