Chapter One

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Present day….

“Shay wake up girl we have someone here to see you so be ready!” Clive my friend for three centuries now prompted me. I sat up and a few papers were stuck to my cheek which I pulled off and tidied my hair up. “Shayrield how have you been?” Michael asked me and I shrugged. “Nightmares still, but let’s not talk of me, how’s heaven?” I always loved to hear about my home, especially since I was forbidden to return under the orders of the highest.

“Just as you left it my dear friend, but you know why I’m here so perhaps you should stop delaying it; he knows that the memory has resurfaced and he wants to know.” Michael insisted which saddened me, I didn’t think Michael enjoyed my company anymore since I was deemed as corrupt because of my torture. “It’s still fuzzy and I can’t give a name because he never gave me one all I can tell you is that it was a male that saved me anything else I cannot say because I was poisoned with dragon’s blood.” At that Michael got to his feet and leaned over my desk giving me a kiss on the forehead before leaving. “Michael wait, you haven’t given me information on Mandriel!” I yelled after the angel so he looked over his shoulder. “And you wonder why we keep you from heaven?” He asked rhetorically then left.

“I want to go home! I’m sick of this, of everything, of this world and the people in it!” I screamed throwing papers up into the air, I kicked the underside of my desk and it went up into the air splitting in the process then crashing back to the ground. “These people are so ignorant, they know nothing! I remember a time when they would bow to us all, they’d know us by sight, but now they ignore our existence as mere legends. I cannot stand this for much longer!” My knees buckled beneath me so there I fell with papers fluttering around me. All I wanted was Mandriel’s head on a silver platter, but now Michael had turned his back on me how was I to find the bastard without him. “Damn it Shay I just cleared this place!” Clive groaned as papers lifted off the floor by themselves and the groaning of wood could be heard behind me so I turned seeing my office back in shape. “What’s the point of me messing this up if you’re just going to magic it better?” Clive flipped me off and left closing the door behind him, leaving me to skulk about my office as usual.

“Shayrield move in now!” Michael ordered so I nodded letting my wings unfurl before I dived from the red cliff. For the first sixty meters I kept my wings closed allowing me to fall faster until the last fifty when my wings spread out catching the wind and carrying me to the red earth beneath us. Demons had been spotted in this region and it was our job to eradicate them; we couldn’t let them interfere with the human species, they were still very primitive and such a young species that needed guidance. If the demons were to alter their minds then the efforts of the Highest would be for nothing, the species would be lost to Satan.

The wind whipped my pink hair around me as my purple eyes searched the surrounding area, it seemed that nothing, but rocks and fallen trees surrounded this place and that’s when I heard the clash of swords on the cliffs above me. I was about to fly up and aid my friends when I was attacked from behind with an arrow. When I turned I saw a man with hair the colour of starlight and eyes like wells of gold. He had some kind of tattoo on his neck, but it was in gold and unlike anything I’d seen. “Get back demon!” I ordered which made him grin at me revealing perfect white teeth. “Oh little angel you have no idea what you’re up against do you?” He asked me so I looked him over; he was tall and toned, perfect like an angel, not like a demon. “I know I can kill you.” I assumed and he smiled even more. “You’ll dance a devil’s dance, but you’ll never finish I can assure you.” His words did not faze me as I drew my sword from it’s scabbard. The blade shone pink in the light with purple winding symbols decorating the sharp edges. “You have a rainbow blade, they’re powerful and from what I’ve heard only the highest of angels receive a rainbow’s blade.” His voice was of the sweetest music, but I would not let it distract me.

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