Chapter Three

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“No I just thought it would be funny!” Blaze snickered as I knocked back a cinnamon vodka shot, the bar tender was talking to her whilst I went to work on getting drunk. “You should have seen Clive’s face when he figured it out.” I added making Blaze explode with laughter. “Oh my lord his eyes may as well have popped out of his bloody head!” She giggled making me laugh. “Are you drunk yet ‘cause I think I might be.” Blaze told me so I looked at her and couldn’t help a sudden giggle. “Possibly my last day alive and I’m drinking, now all I need to do is get laid.”

“No I’m not spending tomorrow morning trying to find you when I should be nursing a hangover, Clive has alcohol at your place because he trusts you not to drink it.” Blaze slurred as we stumbled out of the club over to our bikes. “We shouldn’t really go home on the bikes.” I told her and she shrugged as her bike revved. “We’re not our powers will be though we just have to chill.” Blaze reminded me so I placed my hand on the pink crucifix making it glow before the bike revved and I sat down. “Fair enough, just try not to fall off.” I advised and she slid off the other side of her bike laughing to herself and I couldn’t help it, I just had to laugh. My bike seemed to snarl which caught my attention so I stopped laughing and looked around; a man was walking down the street he was tall and all of a sudden I felt a fire burn inside of me, it was rage! He walked under a streetlight and lifted his head and stopped. Hair like starlight and eyes of shimmering gold...Mandriel!  “Blaze get on your bike!” She stopped laughing, but didn’t bother trying to move instead she started snoring.

“Typical.” I muttered before jumping over and pulling her up onto her bike. “Discedite!” I ordered and her bike obeyed by rushing away with her on it so I turned to run back to my bike, but Mandriel was leaning against my bike. “Shayrield how long has it been?” He asked me as I looked down the road at my escape. “Not long enough I’m afraid.” I looked back at him seeing him with a smile on his face. “Seems we differ in opinion as I feel it has been far too long.” I started laughing at nothing as I stumbled on my feet. “I’m sorry Mandriel, but I appear to be intoxicated with the drinks of this world.” I snickered making him chuckle. “Well I suppose that makes it easier for me then.” He sighed, but I wasn’t having that so I ran down the road as fast as I could. “Volatilis!” I yelled and my bike was at my side in an instant so I jumped onto it and looked seeing Mandriel’s wings unfurl and I was lost in the beautiful patterns of gold and silver entwined into the purest black feathers. “I will kill you!” I shouted and Mandriel nodded before vanishing so I automatically looked to the sky, but he wasn’t there; why would he give up so easily?

I left my bike in the garage next to Blaze’s bike as I heard Clive shouting words like a mad man no doubt that Blaze was drinking herself half dead. “Clive shush okay I want to go to bed!” I announced so Blaze turned falling off the back of the couch ending up with her legs kicking Clive which knocked him off his feet and into a table. “Whoops…what happened to drink until we fall asleep?” Blaze asked as I held back a laugh as Clive grumbled angrily to himself. “Mandriel found us tonight.” The words themselves made that fire rise again until I heard a familiar song that made me shiver. I remember hearing the song while I was in Hell; it was unearthly and so beautiful like a song of praises to the Highest from the angels that serve him. It made a calming warmth spread through me as it trapped me in a spell and I had to find its origin.

“Can you hear that?” I asked wondering if they could hear it, but they just listened for a moment then shook their heads. “Can’t hear nothing why what is it?” Clive asked so I looked to him. “It sounds like an angel, he’s singing.” I told him so he frowned trying to hear what I was hearing.  “I can’t hear it.” The singing slowly faded out and Blaze’s snoring took over making me laugh. I looked over at the computer and saw the pixie glue hidden behind it so I put on a straight face and turned back to Clive who was looking over at Blaze. “Nutter.” He muttered to himself, but I laughed. “Oh Clive can you check for omens I’d like to pinpoint that sun of a bitch, Mandriel.” I sighed so he hopped into his computer chair and started tapping on the key board which resulted in his fingers being stuck to the keys. “Bitch, you knew!” Clive accused so I nodded and laughed. “Of course I did.” I grinned before leaving him to rant at Blaze whilst I retreated to my bed to sleep for quite possibly one last time.

I couldn’t sleep; my mind was calculating all the different possibilities of my death which left me no time to sleep. The questions crossing my mind worried me because what if he didn’t kill me? What if he was going to subject me to torture like his father did? I was scared which was a strange concept since angels are supposed to be the fearless warriors of the highest, but we weren’t meant for the life I’ve lived.

The glass doors that lead onto the balcony swung open and the white curtains billowed with the wind, which I found rather annoying; I climbed out of my large carved king size bed and walked across the fluffy white rugs that littered my bedroom floor. The air tonight was quite warm for once so I stood in the doorway for a few moments staring up at the stars. I always found the stars so beautiful even when this world was young and only a few of them could be seen, I was in love with the way they shone in the dark night.

A hand closed over my mouth as I was pulled back away from the glass doors, but I didn’t scream because I knew this person’s touch. It was the man that saved me from Hell. He moved his hand away from my mouth and placed it on my hips with his other hand before kissing my neck which made me moan as he slowly pushed the hem of my top up with his hands gliding along my bare skin. I managed to glimpse the colour of his hair so I pulled away from him hoping that I was wrong; I wasn’t wrong his hair was that shimmering silver like the stars and his eyes were golden orbs, his pale skin was perfect, everything about him was perfect and it had to be Mandriel.

My legs folded beneath me and I fell to my knees since I could no longer stand. Mandriel sat down in front of me, looking at me with concern as I lost control of my body. “You can’t kill me when you need me Shayrield.” He whispered as I crawled towards him then straddled him whilst his hand laced into my hair. Why couldn’t I control myself? My body was moving of its own accord and I had no control over it. I leaned in making him think I was going to kiss  him, but just before my lips touched his I moved down kissing his throat which made him growl. Mandriel flipped us so that I was lying under him and then he leaned down letting our lips meet. My fingers tangled into Mandriel’s soft hair as our tongues danced until her moved back looking down into my eyes with some fierce emotion that I couldn’t identify. He bit down lightly on my neck which made me moan as I tugged on his hair. “You’re a bad angel Shayrield.” Mandriel whispered.

I jumped up in bed and sighed with relief; it was a dream, Mandriel wasn’t here and I didn’t just completely lose my marbles. People say that dreams have meanings so what was the meaning of that dream it probably meant nothing, maybe just that I’m scared of what will happen. What if I can’t kill him, he’s stronger than me. I may as well just face it, I’m going to my death tomorrow it’s as simple as that.

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