New life for Jackaboy

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(Sorry. There's gonna be a bit of a skip but I wasn't really sure how to work this in so I'm just gonna start like this... and I'm listening to space is cool at the moment and shortly before that it was all the way so I was inspired to write about jack and mark)

Jacks P.O.V.

I woke up slowly that morning. It took me a while to remember where I was but then it came flooding back to me. We were in a new house in a new place! I felt around the sheets beside me but apparently Mark was already awake.

I walked into the the living room with a blanked wrapped around me. Mark was sitting on the couch with Chika next to him watching tv.

"Mark, I'm cold." I say trying to sound childish so he will cuddle with me. I must have surprised him because he jumps slightly causing Chika to jump down, pace around the room, then jump back up on the couch.

"Jack! You scared me you walk so quiet!" Mark says laughing, "you're cold? Come here." He opens his arms so I walk over and curl up in his lap and let him hold me like that. Chika nudges her head under my hand so I pet her. We sit like that for a while then realize that we're hungry. I get off Mark and we go into the kitchen. We went grocery shopping the day before so we have lots of stuff.

"There's cereal." Mark offers, shaking a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

"Ooh I don't think I've had that one yet!" I say and reach for it. Mark gets two bowls then goes to the fridge to get milk. I open the box and look inside. They look yummy so I pick one out and eat it. The sweet taste of sugar and crunchiness with a little but if cinnamon fills my mouth. So I have another, and another, and another, and-

"Save some to have with the milk." Mark says laughing at me.

My fingers are covered in sugar so I lick them off. I set the box on the counter and bring the bowl over so I can shake some of the cereal into it. I fill the bowl then pour the milk on top of it. I spill some on the counter and cuss.

"Language, Jacky!" Mark says playfully. I blush and try and walk to the sink to get something to clean the mess up. But before I can get across the small kitchen, Mark grabs me from behind and picks me up nuzzling his face into my neck. I giggle like a little girl as he kisses my neck.

"Mark that tickles!" I manage to say through my giggles. He sets me down but keeps hugging me from behind as I get the washcloth to clean the spill. I try to walk back across the kitchen but with Mark behind me it trip a little but don't fall because of him holding me. I finish cleaning up and throw the cloth back in the sink.

"You can let go of me now, Mark." I say pretending to be annoyed.

"And what if I don't want to?" Mark says and hugs me tighter.

We hear the clicking of Chika's claws on the tile that say that she's walking into the kitchen. She tries to push her way between us with her little, cold, wet nose. Mark and I laugh at her.

"Silly Chika!" Mark coos at her as he picks her up and hugs her. She licks his face and looks over at me and "smiles". She obviously has gotten what she wanted. I laugh and pat her head. She licks my hand and makes Mark and me laugh more. I was my hand off and go to have my breakfast. Mark sets Chika down and makes a bowl for himself.

We finish eating our breakfast and by this time, Chika is pacing around the house looking worried so it's probably about time for her walk. Mark is already dressed so he waits for me to get dressed. I put on a t-shirt and jacket with a pair of jeans. Mark puts Chika's leash on her and we go outside. Since it's still morning, the air is still a bit chilly so I'm glad I decided to get my jacket.

We walk around the front yard until Chika does her thing then we decide to walk around and explore a bit. We walk down the sidewalk. Mark has my hand in one of his and Chika's leash in the other. We get approached by a few people who recognize us but since its early, there's not many people.

On our walk, we find the cinema, the library, a small playground, and a few restaurants. We make a mental note of where the playground is so we can come back and play sometime. As we pass a few houses, we hear someone calling us.

"Mark! Jack! So nice of you to stop by!" We look up to see who it is and see,

"Felix? Oh wow it's so good to see you!" Mark says and gives Felix a bro-fist.

"Yeah! You too, man!" He says and turns to me. I put my fist up but he ignores it and hugs me.

"Hi, Felix! I wasn't really expecting you to come over here!" I say after the hug.

"Yeah neither was I, really. Marzia was a bit reluctant to leave too but she's here." He nods up towards the house.

"Where is Marzia?" Asks Mark. He looks up towards the house as if expecting her to appear on the front lawn.

"Still asleep. She had a lot of jet lag so it's gonna take a little while for her to get used to he new time. She'll probably be up in an hour or two." Felix replies. "Oh hey! Chika's here! I didn't even notice her!" Felix puts his hand down to let her sniff it before petting her.

"Did you bring Slippy?" I ask. I hadn't seen Slippy yet other than in the videos Felix had posted of him.

"Yeah he's here too. Hasn't peed on me yet though. It's coming soon though, I can feel it..." Felix says dramatically.

"Well you and Marzia should come over later! We can catch up a bit and you can introduce us to Slippy!" Mark says. "We best be on our way now though. It was good seeing you, Felix!"

"Alright, I guess we'll see you later!" Felix says and waves at us as he walks back up to his house. As we walk down the sidewalk with our fingers entwined, we hear Felix shout behind us, "SEPTIPLIER AWAY!"

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