What now?

12 0 1

Phil's P.O.V.

I gaped at the computer for who knows how long before my rationality finally kicked in and I turned the live stream off for real.

I glanced over at Dan in the chair next to me. His eyes were wide and his mouth was slightly agape. He slowly looked over at me.

"Everyone knows..." I said barely audibly, "and it's my fault."

I had Dan's full attention now. "Philly no it-"

"Don't even try to tell me it's not my fault!" I said louder than I meant to. The hurt expression on Dan's face was enough to break my hostile exterior. "Oh, Dan, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to snap at you."

Dan nodded and looked at his hands in his lap which were fiddling with eachother nervously. "It's alright I guess." He mumbled.

I could feel the tears coming long before they actually started falling. I felt horrible. I had exposed our entire relationship to everyone and yelled at my boyfriend. I knew that most of our fans would be more than over-joyed when they found out but that didnt stop how bad I felt. Then the tears really came. Hot, salty streams running down my cheeks and into my lap creating polka-dots on my jeans.

Dan looked up when I sniffed back the runny nose my tears had caused.

"Oh, Philly. Come here." He said sympathetically and put his arms out.

I leaned into him and he pulled me all the way into his lap. The chair gave a foreboding creak under both our weights on it. I barely reacted when Dan stood up with me in his arms and carried me, bridal style, into the living room and sat down on the couch.

He kissed the top of my head and we just sat like that for who knows how long. Him stoking my hair and me just sitting there like the guilty crying mess that I was at the moment.

"Hey." He said quietly, "you feel better now?" He tilted my head up with his finger and wiped my tears away with his sleeve.

I gave a half-hearted nod and Dan smiled a little. He kissed my forehead which then caused me to smile.

"I still feel bad about it though." I said and felt the tears coming back.

Dan quickly wiped them away again. "Philly, it's not that big of a deal. It was an honset mistake and we all knew we would have to do it at some point! Our whole career is broadcasting ourselves on the internet for anyone to see. We couldn't have kept this hidden forever. And so what if we get a few rude comments or lose subscribers? We didnt need those people anyway if they're going to be like that."

I smiled more this time because he was right. So what if a few homophobes didn't like what they saw? It's probably for the better they left anyway!

"You're right. And I love you, you know?" I said, sat up, and kissed him full on the mouth.

He kissed back then pulled back and said, "of course I'm right! And I love you too, Phillip Lester." He nuzzled his nose against mine and lifted me off himself and went into the kitchen.

I popped my head up and looked over the couch to see him with a fist in MY box of cereal grinning like a maniac. "DAN HOWELL GET YOUR MITS OUT OF MY SHREDDIES!!" I yelled laughing. I fell down trying to get off the couch being in a tangle of blankets and ran into the kitchen after him.

I snatched the box away from him but not before he stuffed another handfull in his mouth. "Hey! Gimme those back!"

"Come get 'em then!" Dan said through a mouthful of cereal.

"On second thought you can have those." The thought of him spitting my own cereal in my mouth like a bird was very much a turn-off for me.

He smirked and finished chewing and swallowing my cereal. "It's what you get though!"

"Yeah I know." I laughed at him. Then I had an idea. "Hey, Daaaaaaan?" I asked sweetly.

"What now?"

"I think we sould get a pet."

Silence. I smiled and did puppy eyes for good measure.


Well it wasn't a no.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2017 ⏰

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