Morning By The Fountain

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Michio had always loved sitting at the fountain between the school buildings. It was a quiet, peaceful area. The constant relaxing sound of flowing water made it a great place to think. Trees were planted at the edge of the concrete tiled floor, enclosing the area from the rest of the school grounds. At lunch, it was a popular area for students to come sit from both courses, but in the morning, everything was calm.

That's why, on this bright morning, the ultimate guitar player was sitting at the fountain. If he looked to the left, he could see the reserve course building, where ordinary students could pay to come to Hope's Peak Academy. To the right, was the main course building, where you could only go if you were the best at what you did and the school itself scouted you out. That's where Michio went.

Everything about this spot was perfect, save for one small detail. It was open to the reserve course students as well, which meant a certain someone could always come to disturb Michio.

"Michi~! There you are!"

Michio let out a small sigh, looking up just in time for his sister to pounce on him in a death-grip hug. Mika was a small girl, but she was strong.

"I was looking all over for you! It's so cruel to ignore your lil' sister!" Mika whined, rubbing her cheek against Michio's.

"Mika, c'mon! Get off!" Michio said, attempting to push his sister away. Eventually, she let go, puffing out her cheeks.

"Why are you so mean Michi?" Mika pouted, her brown eyes slightly narrowed in a faked glare. Her mid-neck length blonde hair was sticking up at odd angles, and Michio couldn't help but feel concerned. She never was very good at taking care of herself.

"Sorry..." He muttered, brushing his hand through her hair in an attempt to fix it. "You're just hard to deal with. Have you been eating right? Showering? Getting all your work done?"

Mika giggled, poking Michio's nose. "I love it when you worry about me. But I'm okay~."

"Michio-kun! There you are!"

Michio looked up to see yet another girl approaching him, but this time from the other side. Her strawberry blonde hair was down as usual, the one odd piece sticking up at the top was still untamed. She was wearing a uniform visibly different from Mika's, as she was from the main course, while Mika went to school at the reserve course.

It was Satchiko Kobayashi, one of Michio's friends in his class.

"C'mon, we're gonna be late! Remember what Itami-sensei told you?" Satchiko said, then faking a deep voice. "I better not see you walking in this late again, Zetami-san!"

Michio sighed. "Looks like I have no choice. Well, see ya later Mika." He stood up to leave, but Mika grabbed his arm.

"You're leaving without a kiss goodbye?" She whined.

Michio felt his cheeks turn red in embarrassment. Why in front of Satchiko? "How many times do I have to tell you...? We're siblings, that's not right."

"Love knows no boundaries!" Satchiko exclaimed, fist pumping in the air. "But if you're gonna do it, do it fast, I don't wanna get yelled at too."

"Please Michi?" Mika begged, tugging on his arm.

"Ah, fine. If that's what it takes for you to let go..." Michio inwardly groaned. Why did I have to get stuck with a sister like this?

Michio leaned in, giving Mika a small peck on the cheek. She giggled, her face turning pink.

"You should go to class too, Mika." Michio stated, straightening up and heading over to Satchiko.

"Okie dokie!" Mika responded. "Bye!"

They finally went their separate ways, and so began another normal day at Hope's Peak Academy.

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