Fangirls and an Out of Control Class

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A few days had passed, and Michio hadn't seen Junko again. He had been confused by their meeting for a while, but by now, he had almost completely forgotten about it.

It was a normal Monday night, and Michio was spending it in the reserve course dormitories, helping his sister with her loads of homework. He knew she wouldn't get it done on her own anyways. They were both sitting on Mika's bed, with all her books out between them.

"Michi~ why do I get so much work and you don't?" Mika whined, glaring at her notebook.

Michio let out a small sigh. "The main course is a lot different from the reserve course. You knew it'd be a lot of work before you convinced mom and dad to let you come."

"I know, but still~!" Mika complained.

There was a knock on the door, and Mika got up to answer it. Standing there was a girl in the reserve course uniform with dirty blonde hair and amber eyes.

Before either could say a word, the girl let out a small gasp, looking past Mika and into the room. "Is that Michio-kun?!"

"Yup!" Mika responded with a grin, opening the door wider to let the girl in.

She immediately ran to Michio, bouncing with excitement. "Oh my god, I'm such a big fan! I almost didn't believe it when Mika-chan said you were her brother! Oh, I'm Yui by the way. Yui Nagasaki!"

Michio laughed a bit, giving her a smile. "It's nice to meet you, Nagasaki-chan." He held out his hand, and Yui quickly took it to shake.

Her eyes lit up, and she let out a small squeal. "Omg I am actually touching the Michio Zetami!"

"Don't get too attached!" Mika stepped in. "He's still all mine! He's not allowed to have a girlfriend!"

"There's no changing her mind..." Michio said, releasing Yui. "But it's always nice to meet a fan."


The next morning, Michio came to school late as usual. That one day with Satchiko was a rare occurrence, and to Michio's relief Mitsuo stopped caring about him coming late. It happened every day, after all. It would be a waste of energy to constantly lecture him.

Entering the classroom to immediately having to dodge a paper airplane, Michio knew it was going to be one of those days.

Very few people were in their proper seats, and some were running around the class. Kaiya was sitting on the floor with Momo, Katashi, and Satchiko in the back, and Mai was messing with a soccer ball. Mitsuo was sitting at his desk at the front looking completely defeated, and I couldn't blame him. This was the first hectic day he'd had to deal with.

"Michio! Hey!" Satchiko called, jogging over to him with a small white and orange kitten in her hands. She held it up to his face with a grin. "Kaiyachi brought kittens!"

"You know I'm really not a cat person...." Michio said, instinctively leaning away from the furry creature.

Satchiko frowned. "I'll never understand you. You're like an alien. How can you refuse this adorable face~?" She brought the kitten up close to Michio, making their noses touch. The cat rubbed against his face, sending a shiver down Michio's spine. "She's purring! Aww, she likes you!"

"Satchiko, please." Michio moved to the side, making sure the kitten couldn't touch him. "Don't do that."

"Okay, Satan." Satchiko replied teasingly, bringing the kitten close again.

Kazuki looked up from his desk near the two, letting out a small sigh. "Can we switch, Michio? Cats love you, but they hate me...."

"Gladly." Michio responded.

"I'm sure this sweetheart would like you!" Satchiko said, approaching Kazuki's desk and placing the cat on top. He reached out his hand to pet it, but the kitten just hissed and jumped onto the floor. It ran over to Michio and rubbed against his legs.

Kazuki shook his head. "I'm used to it by now... good thing I'm more of a dog person anyways... though kitten love doesn't sound bad at all."

"Kazuki-senpai! Save me!" Momo exclaimed, running to Kazuki and wrapping her arms around her neck. "He's trying to make me do bad things!" She pointed an accusing finger at Tomi, who was sitting on a desk across the room.

Tomi never wore his uniform, and instead came to school in ripped jeans and a black hoodie. His white hair was tied back in a ponytail like usual, and he wore a fake innocent smile.

"Hey, I didn't do anything wrong. Is curiosity a crime now?" Tomi said, tilting his head.

"What'd he do this time...?" Kazuki asked Momo

"H-he asked me to... um...." Momo's cheeks turned pink like her hair as she trailed off.

"She's the ultimate voice actress, so I wanna see if she can really voice act anything!" Tomi giggled, "I wanna hear what her moa-"

"Okay, that's enough!" Mitsuo cut him off, overlooking the class. "Come on, is this kindergarten or high school? Everyone should stop fooling around and...." He trailed off, as no one was listening, and went back to looking defeated.

"Gotcha!" Natsumi exclaimed, jumping up from behind Tomi and capturing him in her arms. "There's no escaping now! Hey Hanazawa, now you can play with his hair all you like!"

"K-Kato-san!" Riku stuttered, his face turning red. "Y-you weren't supposed to say anything!" 

"You wanna play with my hair?" Tomi asked, walking over to Riku. "Weird. It's just hair, but people always want to."

Natsumi looked down at her now empty arms, green eyes wide in shock. "How did you...?"

Tomi just laughed, looking back at her. "It'd be pathetic to call myself the ultimate escape artist if I couldn't get outa that hold. Too easy."

The white haired boy sat at the desk next to Riku, pulling out the elastic holding his hair back and letting it all fall down. "I kinda like it when people play with my hair. Go ahead."

Michio slowly shook his head. This class was full of too much gay to handle, but he knew he wasn't helping.

The rest of the day was mostly just everyone messing around and Mitsuo hating life. It was tiring, especially with all the cats running around, but Michio wouldn't change it for the world.

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