Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

End of the Holy Grail War

Gilgamesh x Arturia Pendragon

(Gilgamesh's POV)

I released Ersa from my grasp. If I killed her it would just start a war with her kingdom. I will say this; she will never be allowed back in my kingdom. I will have her banished for what she has done, and I will have my guards inform her father of her treachery. She was not going to get of scot free, not for what she has done to Arturia. I looked at her, and I felt no sympathy. No one, and I repeat no forces me to something against my will.

"Guards." I yelled, and two guards entered my room.

"Take Ersa back to her kingdom. Tell her father that she has used her magic to try and force me into marriage, and hurt my dear wife. Inform him that she is banished and is never allowed to step foot in my kingdom again, to do so will result in death." I said. My guards nodded and carried her out of the room.

Now that, that problem was taken care of, all I had left to do was to find Arturia. It was hard telling where Ersa had her locked up at, and our bond was weakened because of Ersa. The bond was never broken because Arturia still loved me, not matter what. That is what keep the bond strong threw everything that had happened.

I walked the castle for hours searching for any sign of Arturia. Once in a while I would catch a thought from her, but what I saw was not enough to find her. The thoughts did show that she was in tears still and broken. She was lost with nowhere to go and she was scared. My dear Arturia, I am sorry. I pleaded with her thoughts, but I couldn't get through, she has blocked me out. I stopped and asked every servant I saw, but none had seen Arturia, until I found one that had.

"Have you seen Arturia?" I asked the older servant.

"I have. I can take you to her, if you wish." The servant said. I nodded my head.

She led my down the hall toward the dungeons and to very last cell. The cell was so far below the castle levels, that there was just one small window, it was dank, and very hot. I looked in the corner to see my blond beauty crying and holding her stomach. She was protecting the baby. They had given her nothing more than rags to wear, the nerve of Ersa. I didn't think, I just wrapped my arms around her, and for the first time in my life I cried.

I have never cried, not even when I lost my parents, but with Arturia it was different. This woman was my life and without her I was nothing. I had nearly lost the one thing that mattered to me most. I just hope that she hasn't come to hate me for my stupidity. I felt her arms wrap around me and looked down to see tears streaming down her face. I leaned in a kissed her beautiful lips. Lips that I had missed so much.

(Arturia's POV)

I had been crying all morning, because I missed Gilgamesh and wanted him here, and because no one had brought me food in days, and because of this I had miscarried. Too much stress and pain in my heart. It had to be at least 5 in the afternoon when the door opened. I didn't know the time I had been here so long. I figured they were finally bringing me food, until I felt his warm arms wrap around me and tears following from his eyes. He had finally seen through her treachery.

I looked up and he was looking at me with tears in his eyes, and he leaned down and kissed me passionately, and all his thoughts came to me. The thoughts of when thought I had betrayed all the way up to when he realized Ersa was a lying bitch. She had given her own self away, and he nearly killed her for what she did to me. I looked up at him and smiled.

"I wish I had come sooner." Gilgamesh said.

"I love you." I said.

"We will be happy now. We are having a baby. I won't let anything interfere ever again." Gilgamesh said, and I saddened. This would be hard to tell him.

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