Chapter 5

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(Gilgamesh's POV)

I woke up early that morning and slipped out of bed. I didn't want to wake up Arturia she seemed to be sleeping so well. Things have been rough lately, but now that I have her back and Ersa is gone we can finally work past all of the bad things that have happened. I could expect a visit from Ersa's father soon, because he will be questioning me. Ersa's father was a complicated man and would likely be upset that I had banished Ersa right before the wedding.

I made my way to the bath house to clean and wait for Ersa's father to show up. I relaxed in the warm water enjoying the feeling of peace. Everything was right in my life. It wasn't long though till one of my bulter's to come in and informed me, as I had figured, that Ersa's father was here and he was furious with me. I waited for him to leave and got dressed. I walked to the throne room and found and very furious king standing before me.

"How dare you call the wedding off and then banish my daughter." He roared.

"I can explain everything if you take the time to listen." I said.

"Explain what, how you broke my daughters heart and then banished her from you kingdom and on top of that you back to the very whore you left behind." He yelled his face turning red from anger.

"First off, I am the only man Arturia has been with and she was my wife before Ersa come along. Second you ever talk about my wife like that again, I will destroy your country." I snarled.

"Are you threatening me with war?" Ersa's father questioned with anger in his voice.

"No I am protecting my wife." I replied.

"You abandoned my daughter and sent her back to me in tears." He yelled.

"She used her magic on myself and Arturia. The crime for using magic against a king for personal gain is punishable by death. You are lucky I didn't kill her on the spot for her crimes against the crown." I said in an enraged voice.

"You can't expect me to believe that my daughter would use her powers against you." He said.

"You wont believe it, but it is the truth." I said.

"If you do not wish to have a war with my kingdom then you will marry my daughter and get rid of Arturia." He said.

"Is that a threat. You and I both know that I can destroy your kingdom easily." I said.

"Yes that is, and if you destroy my kingdom than you loose all those luxurious clothing you buy." He said.

"I can find somewhere else to buy beautiful clothing at." I replied coolly. Theo stood to walk out.

"Do you honestly think that I am going to just let you walk out here after you threatened me." I said standing from my throne.

"You wouldn't dare touch me." Theo snarled.

"You started this, not me. I only intend to finish it." I said setting back down on my throne.

(Arturia's POV)

I woke up early that morning to find Gilgamesh gone. He was probably wondering around the castle or worse dealing with Ersa's father. I got up from the bed and headed to the bath house where I saw maids waiting on me with fresh clothes. I soaked in the rose petal bath for what seemed like hours, but was only 30 minutes and got out. The maid dressed me in and blue and gold outfit much like all the others, only this time she adorned my head with a crown after pinning it back.

I made my way to the throne room where I heard voices. One belonged to my beloved Gilgamesh and the other I assumed was the Ersa's father. They more alike than they thought. The mystery man sounded furious with my beloved and honestly I couldn't imagine why.

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