Chapter 6

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Arturia X Gilgamesh

I don't own.

Chapter 6

(Arturia's POV)

It wasn't terrible spending time with Gilgamesh and many people seemed to like me. I noticed that a few people were a little less than happy that I was with him. I would say that they were the people that supported Ersa and her attempts to marry Gilgamesh. I am honestly glad that he saw the truth before he married that insane woman, and now she is stuck marrying some guy she will probably hate, but that is her own fault. I looked in front of me and Gilgamesh was walking quietly and his hair was glowing in the sun, and he was holding my hand in his gently. There was nothing like this feeling.

"My lord," A woman said as she approached him, "Is it really true that you chose this woman over Lady Ersa?" She asked.

"I chose to marry this woman even before Ersa came to the palace and requested my hand in marriage." Gilgamesh said, being patient with the woman.

"Yes, but you had made plans to marry her, and then suddenly everything changes and this woman is by your side and lady Ersa is left marrying Phillipe, and you know that she hates him." The woman.

"Sonya you are a dear friend to me, but the woman with me at this moment is the one that I love, and she was pregnant with my child until Ersa caused her to miscarry. Ersa is no longer welcome in this Kingdom." He said, and apparently he knows the woman in front of him.

"I did not realize this truth my lord, please forgive me." Sonya said.

"My dear friend Sonya you are forgiven, but only this one time." He replied, and walked past her and I followed him.

"How do you know that woman?" I asked with a bit of curiosity. 

"Does it matter?" He said in a short tone.

"I guess that it doesn't, I was just wondering sorry." I said in sad voice. I guess somethings never change. I tried to read into his thoughts, but I could get nothing. It was almost as if he had me blocked.

"Would you please stop trying to read my mind, there is nothing to find there." Gilgamesh said rather harshly, and continued to walk, but was no longer holding my hand or walking next me.

"Then there should be no need to block me out. I don't block you from my thoughts." I said.

"I am not going to have this argument with you, now why don't you go back to the castle and I will join you in a bit." Gilgamesh said and moved on without me.

"I thought we were going to go together into town and shop?" I asked.

"I changed my mind." He said in a short voice.

"I don't understand, what did I do?" I asked.

"You haven't done anything. I just have a few things to take care of and I will be home." He said and was gone before I could do anything. 

Why would he be so harsh and not let me join him in his shopping trip. I sighed and looked up to the sky. Maybe I was overthinking things, but I couldn't be sure. He has never blocked me from his thoughts before, and sot his strange. I turned to head back to the castle only t be stopped by Sonya.

"You know he used to love me to before he moved on to someone else." She said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I was once a very well respected noblewoman wanted by every man in the kingdom, even the king himself. Now I am just a harlot in everyone eyes and no man wants to marry. You see the king and I were to be married and I gave myself to him before marriage, and that was giving him what he wanted. Not long after that he called of the wedding and the whole country learned of misdeeds. My family still cares for me, but no man wants me." She replied.

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