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Chapter 3

I tapped my pencil against the desk staring at the clock impatiently. I couldn't wait until 3. I could finally leave this fucking hell hole. Just a few more minutes, Kaitlyn. Just hold it in.

I look down at the two questions I hadn't answered yet. I read them and look at the answer choices. I tapped my pencil against my lip. It couldn't be A, that was inaccurate. It couldn't be D either, well because that made no fucking sense. It was between B and C.. I jot down the question solving it. 3.75! Meaning it was B! I shade in the circle and quickly answer the last question.

As soon as the bell rings I jump up shoving everything in my bag, I slam my test onto Mr.Lino's desk and rush out the door. Everyone's pushing each other in the hallway to get out. I sigh as I squeeze through everyone to get to my locker. I finally get to it and open it. I grab my leftover books and put them in my bag. I slam it shut and lock it. I walk out the doors to see 4 boys waiting for me. Louis, Liam, Harry and Zayn. But their girlfriend's were there too.

It had been a while since I last saw the girls. I really missed them to be honest. As soon as mine and the girls' eyes lock we squeal and run towards each other. People think we're crazy, but this isn't even as crazy as what we regularly do. "I missed you guys so much." I say wiping away a stray tear. Hey, you can't blame me, I haven't seen these shits in about 5 months.

We all talk leaving the boys out basically. They groan pulling their girlfriends away from me. "We have to go, all of us except for Chayne because she wants to catch up with you, plus Zayn's busy." Louis says. I nod understanding taking Chayne aside. They all hug me goodbye and head off.

"So, where to first?" I ask bringing her to my car throwing my bag in the backseat. "Umm, how about the cafe, Valerie's cafe?" She asks throwing her bag in the backseat too. I nod turning on the engine. I pull out of the parking lot and onto the road.

"So how was school?" She asks smirking. "Ugh, don't even ask. Y'know the same, Niall sleeping with another girl, bet as always." I groan. "You know you like him Kaitlyn, he might be an asshole and manwhore but you like him."

"Shut it." I hiss glaring at her. "I don't, it just, he's always sleeping with all these girls that it just makes me wonder if he ever loved someone and she left him and then all this happened or what, because he must have a reason behind sleeping with all these girls and it isn't for the money I know that because he doesn't even take the money when he's done with it. I feel like he's broken inside or something." I say sharing my thoughts.

"Dude, you must be delusional if you think that." She says, skeptical. I shrug, "Just sharing my thoughts." She rolls her eyes and reaches for the radio. She turns it on going from station to station.

"Choose one already, your gonna break the damn radio." I snort. Chayne glares at me making me laugh. I park across the street from the cafe. We grab our bags from the back and head into the cafe.

"Hey girls!" Valerie says. "Hey Valerie!" We greet with hugs. You see, Valerie is an elderly woman, we knew her since we were toddlers. She had this cafe Chayne's and my family used to come to that we loved and still do. We promised Valerie to never forget her and we really didn't. Even after 18 years we come here.

Valerie turns and walks into the back to get our regular food and drinks. We walk over to the comfy seats near the fireplace and sit down. We put out bags to the sides of the chair's next to us. Chayne goes off on her phone to text Zayn while I pull out my notebook. I write down some of my thoughts trying to figure out how to turn them into song lyrics.

Valerie places our drinks in front of us and we thank her. She walks off. Chayne was still texting with Zayn and I was still trying to figure this out. I sip my hot cocoa while just thinking about what I could turn them into. The bell of the cafe's door rings and me and Chayne look up.

Fuck. Niall was here. Why was he here? I groan internally. While looking pointedly at Chayne as she tried to stifle her laughter. "Hey Val!" Niall calls out not noticing us.

How did he know Val? I shrug it off. "Niall! Hello! Come here, I haven't seen you in ages!" She says pulling him into a hug. "Girls, girls." Valerie calls. Hoping she wasn't calling me and Chayne we turn to her. "Come meet my grandson Niall!" Shit Shit Shit. "One minute." I call out to her, gaining Niall's attention.

I quickly pull out my phone texting Chayne. "CODE RED DAMMIT, HES HERE WHAT DO I DO!?" i text frantically. I put my phone back into my back pocket before being pulled up by Chayne. I glare at her as she drags me towards them.

"Oh, you must know him Kaitlyn, he goes to your school!" I nod pulling on a fake smile. "Yeah, I know him. Good to see you Niall." I say holding out my hand for him to shake. Friendly gesture, what?

He shakes it smiling at me, but this time it was a real smile. Weird. "Hi, I'm Chayne." She introduces herself shaking hands with Niall as he introduces himself. "Well then, go hang out with them Niall, I'll make you some cocoa!" Val says pushing him towards us. I curse under my breath.

We walk our way back to the seats as he sits in between me and Chayne, seperating us from each other, making me curse even more under my breath. I feel my butt vibrate and I pull my phone out of my back pocket. "Hah." is what the text says. I stand up walking over to Chayne and glaring at her. "Bitch." I say glaring at her. She just smirks. I sit back down looking frantically for my notebook because it wasn't in the spot where I left it.

I turn towards Niall and see he has my notebook. "Um, can I get my notebook?" I ask quietly trying not to make a scene considering his grandmother was here. "Here.. These are good but maybe you should try,

I say, stay in there, I'm not going
to let anybody see

he finishes smiling. "T-Thank you." I say feeling a weird warm feeling in my chest. "No problem, how did you think of that, with the bluebird and all? I mean

there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too tough for him

? It's really interesting and gets you hooked." He says giving me feedback. I was suprised because basically, the Niall Horan I knew was my bully, the boy who hates my guts. So why did all of a sudden he want to help me? I then remember that Chayne was here and so was his grandmother, probably a little show for them. Everything would be the same at school tomorrow. Right?

I get snapped out of my thoughts by a warm hand on mine. "You okay?" He asks. "Yeah, fine." I mutter. I pull my hair out of the ponytail I had put it in.

"Thanks for the feedback, but it's getting late and I have to go. See you at school tomorrow." I say slipping him my number. I turn to Chayne but realize that she wasn;t there. She had left and I didn't even notice. I stuff all my things in my bag before walking out the cafe.

That's when I realized, I have feelings for the heartbreaking asshole, who was a manwhore and my bully, Niall Horan.


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Ariel xo

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