Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

There was a huge traffic in the parking and it was really pissing me off. The hot burning rays of sun were causing burns on my skin and little Kel was also feeling very weak due to the hot weather. I wish I bought George’s car instead of my metallic grey Stirling Moss.

“Mom, let’s go back I feel so tired,” Kel said covering her face against the sun light in a weak tone.

“Yes dear. Even though I feel very drowsy, we can’t even turn back. See the line of cars behind us sweetheart. I am so sorry, Kel,” I said comforting her in a hug.

She sighed and lay back in the seat. I loved her a lot. She is very understanding and sweet at times.

Soon I feel little relieved as I see the cars moving ahead. Slowly the traffic lightens and I park the car and wake Kel. She slept as it took really very long. It’s usually a ten minute driveway from home but today it took thirty minutes plus the hot sun. Kel’s excitement had been vanished since now.

“Common Kel, we are here,” I wake her.

“No mom, let’s get back home, please,” she said innocently.

“Kel I am going to buy you a nice pretty little doll like yours and you know what else we’ve been looking for,” I said trying to get her mood back.

“Oh yes mom! Let’s rush in!” she said jumping off the car.

“Yeah common.” I got down the car and grabbed her hand onto mine.

We moved in the mall, the graceful door glide open and I take the step in. There are hundreds of different stores.

Teenagers walking around texting on their blackberries. Overpriced T-shirts. Waiting in line. I go to this place very often—the mall.

As I walk in to the inside, the volume of sound changes. I can hear people chattering and kids screaming. The pitter patter feet on the tile floor make echoes through the mall. I also hear the crinkle of bags and jingle of purses; a happy child with a new toy; smell the mixed food aroma from restaurants; hear someone laugh out loud; look bright signs advertising things; some kids dragged along, not wanting to be there. Overall walking, talking, and laughing people! People! Everywhere people.

Soon, I stroll into my favorite shop, Urban Outfitters. I see many different salespeople walking around. Some quietly fold the clothes into a neat rectangular shape while others eagerly immerse with the customers. The best thing I like about this store is the range in selection of the types of clothing it sells. The store does not center on a specific style. Everything about Urban Outfitters is fashion, from the shredded t-shirts with witty sayings to the four inch vintage oxford heels. As I brush the pale blue fabric of a denim jacket, I search for something that appeals to me. The black leather jacket is cute, but it is too heavy looking. Those pair of shorts is quite chic, but wearing that in the minus degrees weather will cause me to freeze to death. Clothing should be, at the same time, fashionable and comfortable. As I poke around every little corner of the store, I search for that one special item that will brighten my day.

While it seems like all hope is lost, a bright green sign with the words "New Arrivals," catches my attention. My feet, with a mind of their own, pull me over to where the new stacks of clothes lay but as soon as I turn to reach there….

Kel pulls my hand and smirks at me. That means she is getting bored, she is not interested in shopping for me. Obviously not, why will she but I am a big shopping addict and I always can’t stop myself from buying for myself.

“Okay, okay. Kel I know, I am sorry,” I tell her and move out of the store.

She drags me along the toy store. This is kids' most favorite part. No one miss the word from the toys "please try me.” Different kinds of toys are there such as Mrs. Potato Heads, remote-control turbo cars, Barbie hot tubs, Hula-hoops, jungle gyms, G.I. Joes, video games and plain old pinwheels. Part Monster, Part Human and More... When I was a kid, people were people and machines were machines. Some adults were overwhelmed, not just by the variety, but by the toys themselves, like composite creatures that looked part monster, part soldier, part computer and part human. But an hour inside the store somehow changes the experience. Eyes glaze over.

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