Ch. 12: Visiting

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Glynnii's pov

"Is he okay?" I cry to the head healer, who had just exited Legolas's quarters. He looks at me with wide eyes.

"I think so. We got to him just in time, but we will need to wait to get full information." He informs me. I sigh in relief. He was alive. For now. Before the healer could leave, I tap him on the shoulder.

"Could I, uh, visit him?" I ask. I feel heat rise to me face when I realize how girly and worried I must sound. To be honest I was extremely worried, but no one needed to know that. Be strong Glynn, I think, be strong. Be strong for Legolas. He wouldn't want you worried or upset. Oh, but I was. I couldn't help it. There was just something about seeing the arrow in him and the look of horror on his face that made me want to cry. But why? I never got upset about anything. Ever. The healer puts a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"King Thranduil is in there now, but I am sure that he would not mind some company." He tells me before turning and walking down the hallway.

"Thank you." I blurt out. He stops and turns and looks at me with a slight grin.

"For what?" He asks.

"For helping him." I respond. He smiles and nods his head at me before disappearing around the corner. I take a step towards the door. Did I really want to see him? Of course. But would seeing him make you more upset? No, because I'm being strong. Strong for you. Strong for Legolas. Slowly and carefully I open the door and quietly walk inside. There, Thranduil kneels down next to Legolas's bed. Legolas lays, his eyes closed, his face pale and his breathing faint and ragged. There is a massive bandage around his chest. I kneel down next to the king, peering at Legolas's face.

"I'm sorry." I murmur, not knowing what else to say. Thranduil continues to look at his son's pale face.

"I'm sorry as well." He responds. I narrow my eyebrows.

"What for, my lord?" I ask. He finally turns to look at me.

"I can see that you care for him." He says, turning back. I am taken aback by his comment. Was is obvious that I was worried? Did I care about him more than I think? I shake my head, deciding to think about the matter later.

"He saved me." I whisper. The king glances at me briefly. I look at Legolas's paled face and a tear rolls down my cheek. "I am the one who should've got shot." Thranduil stares at the ground, not even looking at me or at Legolas. Then there was complete silence, a silence that told me the king agreed with my statement. That caused more tears to flow, and eventually I am sobbing into Legolas's bed. I can feel Thranduil's gaze boring into the back of my head, but I can't stop. After a few minutes of me crying, I finally regain a little bit of my composure. I wipe my nose on my sleeve.

"Please don't mention this to anyone, especially Legolas." I plead. He looks down at me with concerned and judgmental eyes.

"It is not often that someone asks that of me," He starts. "But I will not mention it." I sigh in relief.

"Thank you." I breathe. His gaze turns darker.

"Remember," He says. "He is a prince. He has jobs to do that don't need distractions. He needs to be protected and not running off like he did." He looks back at his son.

"What happened?" I ask and then realize that my curiosity had gotten the best of me. These matters where between the king and his son, not a simple guard like myself.

"I shall pretend you didn't ask that." He states. I nod silently. I sit and watch Legolas's bandaged chest rise and fall with each shallow breath. He was alive. Feeling the need to get some time and room to think, I stand and nod to Thranduil.

"Thank you for letting me sit with you." I whisper. He nods.

"I can see how much you care about him, and I've seen that he cares for you, so this is why I'm telling you now, it'll never work." He says in a hushed tone. I stare at him for a few seconds more before rushing out of the room, as confused as ever.

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