Ch. 22: A Walk

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Legolas's pov

"Ada, what is Glynn's new position?" I inquire, as I painfully eat the food he brought me.

"I believe she's been appointed Gollum's guard." He replies. My eyes widen.

"That's not who I was expecting who would take the job," I comment. Father nods.

"Yes, I must say I agree. I would've thought Laeroth would've been appointed guard, but I guess Thallan thought Glynn was a good choice." He remarks, watching me eat. Every time I extended my arm out to retrieve some food, pain would shoot through my chest. I tried my best to hide it, but my fathers concerned glances told me I was not doing a very good job.

"Are you sure you're alright?" He asks me after a few minutes. I swallow and nod.

"This food will do me good." I respond. He raises an eyebrow and then sighs.

"I hope you are correct ion nin." He says, his tone telling me that he wasn't entirely convinced with my response. I quickly finish my food as fast as one can with a giant gash in their chest. When I am done, I put the tray and dishes aside.

"Ada, could I go out for a walk?" I question. He narrows his eyes and his gaze lingers over me.

"Are you able to walk?" He inquires. I nod and start to turn myself so I can get out of the bed, but as soon as I do so, I feel my head pound. But I need to get out. I am tired of this room. So with my little newly eaten energy, I force myself upwards, onto my feet. I sway slightly, but thankfully my father puts a steadying hand on my should, keeping me upright.

"If you need help, or need to stop, just tell me, ion nin," He tells me softy. I nod and take a few wobbly steps towards the door. It is now that I realize how long and painful recovery will be. And it is also now that a realize that I didn't take being in full health for granted as much as I should have before the Orc attack.

"You might want this," My father says, holding out a blue tunic. I look down and realize that I'm shirtless, except for a giant bandage going around my chest. I painfully lift my arms up and Ada slides the shirt down over me. "Much better." He remarks and helping me hobble to the door.

Several wobbly, painful, slow steps later, we are in the throne room. The guards smile when they see me. I nod at them and return their smiles. It feels good to be active, almost as as if I was walking off the injury. We make it to my father's throne which he sits in, and I sit next to him on a small stool. I hear a the door open and Thallan walks in. He smiles when he sees me.

"Legolas!" He exclaims. "It's so good to see you up and well!" I grin and nod.

"Has Glynn made it to her new post?" My Ada asks. Thallan nods. I notice Thallan's face redden slightly.

"Yes, my lord," He responds. "I was thinking she might be able to talk to this Gollum creature and-" The king cuts him off.

"We cannot have anyone interfere with the captive, is that understood Thallan?" He booms. Thallan nods quickly, holding his head low.

"I understand, sir." He responds.

"Good," Ada says. "We don't need anyone or anything escaping."

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